Saturday, July 15, 2017

July 16th Reading Assignment

Alma 33:12-23

Daily Reading Question

According to Alma 33:20, why did many choose not to look? 


  1. I've been thinking about this question a lot - why wouldn't they look? And more specifically, what reasons would I have for not looking? The scriptures say because they didn't believe it would work. Here are my reasons I don't "look" sometimes: shouldn't it be harder than just looking?
    That's not really going to work.
    If I try hard enough, I can fix this on my own.
    Maybe I'm not looking because I'm too fixated on all the bad stuff going on around me.
    Or I don't want to do the same thing everyone else is doing; I want to be special.
    I want to look. I need to work on myself so I know that I can look to God and live.
    I need to be looking now.

    1. Thanks for sharing! Great comment. I need to work on this too.
