Friday, August 11, 2017

August 12th Reading Assignment

Daily Reading Question

How would you describe your daily efforts to strengthen your spiritual walls of protection?
Daily Talk


  1. I loved what President Hinckley said in this talk from 1992. I love reading older talks and seeing about what they warned us about. He said, "Every year substance abuse claims younger victims with harder drugs. A third of high school seniors get drunk once a week. The average age for first-time drug use is now thirteen years old.”

    The report reached a shocking conclusion. It said: “The challenges to the health and well-being of America’s youth are not primarily rooted in illness or economics. Unlike the past, the problem is not childhood disease or unsanitary slums. The most basic cause of suffering … is profoundly self-destructive behavior. Drinking. Drugs. Violence. Promiscuity. A crisis of behavior and belief. A crisis of character.” (Imprimis, Sept. 1991, p. 1.)

    When I read those statements, I said to myself, If that is the mainstream of American youth, then I want to do all in my power to persuade and encourage our young people to stay away from it."

    When I read that it got me thinking of another self destructive behavior we face today with technology. Are we using it to help build our own spiritual walls of protection or are we using it as a way to let Satan in. This technology we have is so powerful and can be used to strengthen us but if I am really honest a lot of the time I am wasting time on it when I could use it for good. I loved these verses today and need to focus on strengthening my spiritual walls. 

  2. Here is another quote I liked from Henry B. Eyring, “As the forces around us increase in intensity, whatever spiritual strength was once sufficient will not be enough. And whatever growth in spiritual strength we once thought was possible, greater growth will be made available to us. Both the need for spiritual strength and the opportunity to acquire it will increase at rates which we underestimate at our peril” (“Always,” Ensign, Oct. 1999, 9).

  3. Great quotes Melissa. One of my favorites from President Kimball, "the purchase price of a family hearth free of such evil influences is the keeping of the commandments of God".
