Wednesday, October 25, 2017

October 26th Reading Assignment

 Daily Reading Question

How can our motives for doing righteous works affect the way we do them?

 Daily Talk


  1. Generally, people are motivated to act by 1 of 3 things:
    1. Consequences - either good (reward) or bad (punishment)
    2. Duty
    3. Love
    I think as our motives for doing righteous works come from the love we have for our Savior and the love we have for our fellow men, it will have a more lasting effect.

    1. I'm not sure we can change the sequence of those 3 things either. Goes right along with Elder Oaks' talk of "Good, Better, Best." What is the motive for the things we do, whether good, or bad, or just idle.

      When I think of holding true to my standards in the face of temptation, I find the greatest strength comes from staying close to the Savior. But admittedly, I'm not always at that level. I still make it through many of those moments simply knowing the consequences or knowing what my rightful duty is. Maybe someday.
