Sunday, October 29, 2017

October 30th Reading Assignment

 Daily Reading Question

Why do you think people respond to prophets and their messages in such different ways?

 Daily Talk

Our Very Survival


1 comment:

  1. I think the world's view of a prophet is one who has the appearance of power and popularity and religious right, schooled deeply in religion. Somehow, the true character and personality of men like Abraham, Moses, David, and Solomon, has been overlooked. They started out as humble, disrespected, and in some cases unlearned. The apostles Christ chose were just fisherman. David, who slew Goliath was just a shepherd. These men were not great until God made them great.

    Why is it so hard to accept the logic of calling an unlearned 14 year old farm boy as a prophet? Someone who is teachable, and can be molded, and taught, and could be made great, instead of someone who expects it but can't be made great because they are too stubborn to listen?
