Tuesday, January 13, 2015

January 14th Reading Assignment

January 14th Reading Assignment
Daily Reading Question 

Why do you think the fall of the great and spacious building will be "exceedingly great"?


  1. Like Chad's comment yesterday, I was struck by the command to "Look. And I looked and beheld." How many times is the spirit making that invitation to me but maybe because of the noise of the building next door, I don't heed it.
    I also find it interesting that the building was not just filled with people but also the wisdom of the world. What are the prevailing thoughts of the world that I may be sympathizing with? The fall of that building may be great because it may be such a surprise to so many when it happens.

  2. The FUTURE of this world has long been DECLARED; the final outcome between GOOD and evil is already KNOWN. There is absolutely no question as to who WINS because the VICTORY has already been posted on the SCOREBOARD. The only really strange thing is all of this is that we are still down here on the FIELD trying to decide which TEAM’S JERSEY we want to wear!
    Jeffrey R. Holland

  3. I loved this comment by houseofhappy used with permission. I think the fall of the great and spacious building will be exceedingly great, because so many people will be there that we never expected. In today's world, in between the lines of black and white, there is a huge grey category. Lots of people live in the grey. As a society, it is not the popular thing to be black or white. Grey is the social norm. With our terms of "yolo" and "you do you, and I'll do me." We are not our brothers keepers. We turn to the grey line ourselves. God is not grey. Instead of being a beacon of love, yet at the same time, standing for we believe, some have became too politically correct in a society of fading morals and values. These people in the grey area are not walking towards the tree of life. They are surrounding the great and spacious building. I think it will be a greater fall then we can comprehend. That's why we need to forfeit ourselves everyday, through as many little things as we can. Not grumbling. Supporting and talking kindly of our church leaders, magnifying our callings, not letting pride into our hearts and becoming in the grey category ourselves.

    1. Totally agree. And the reason why there will be so many people is answered in President Benson's classic talk (good choice to link this one today). The reason is pride. Pride is at the root of all this. We all have it. I love how he explains how pride is much more than arrogance. He says that the central feature of pride is enmity which means hatred toward. But pride is also competitive in nature. When we compare and measure ourselves based on having more than someone, or being better than so and so..... we are being prideful.

      I'm thankful for this talk, because it reminded me the dangers of being prideful and how prevalent it is. I think if we're being honest with ourselves, we all have more pride in our hearts than we should. To be completely stripped of pride is a great life-long goal to have.

    2. Loved her insight too! This is perfect!!

    3. LOVE that comment Melissa!!! Excellent thought. Thanks for sharing!

  4. It's so scary in today's world with TV, Internet, and modern technology, etc., we are all basically living in the great and spacious building. We fit into that dream in our modern day. The choices we all have to make on how we will lead our lives, reminds me how important agency is to the Plan of Salvation. One of the most difficult challenges in our lives is to be in the world but not of the world. I think House of Happy said it perfectly, you're either on the Lords side or you're not, there are no gray areas as the world would have us believe. I want my family with me for eternity, not one soul lost. And what an "exceedingly great fall" that would be if one of us was missing because we gave into the peer pressures of the world. We must not pitch our tents towards the "great and spacious building" but we should pitch our tents towards the temple and live the covenants we have made with the Lord.

  5. I think the fall will be exceedingly great because the building is so closely tied to materialism, and all of us are affected by materialistic attitudes to an extent. I think its significant that there were several talks in the Oct 2014 General Conference dealing specifically with paying fast offerings. The Lord wants us to emotionally detach ourselves from our treasures on earth (money, honors of men, etc.) and instead to build treasures in heaven (faith, charity, humility, service, Christian discipleship, family) so that when the great and spacious building does fall, we won't also fall.

  6. I really learned from president Benson today! The great and spacious building was so large because it houses us all. President Benson reminds us that pride is the universal sin. The question is are we going to give into the sin of Pride and let go of the iron rod? The fall of the building can be a metaphor for my own marriage and home. It was so easy for me (like president Benson mentions) while reading this talk to see the way pride effects others...but I heard President Uchtdorf's voice in my mind.."Lord is it I?" I was thankful for the reminder in his talk about how to rid ourselves of pride. The antidote is found in Mosiah 3:19... Put off the natural man, yield to the entincings of the spirit, access and use the Atonement, become as a child...meek, humble, submissive, patient, and full of love.

    1. I love that you referenced that talk from President Uchtdorf. It is easy to see things in other people but sometimes not in ourselves. This is something I need to work on.

  7. There is a painting by Minerva Teichert that depicts Lehi's dream and Sariah is holding tightly onto the iron rod, but has fallen to her knees and is looking off into the mists of darkness and beyond seemingly in mourning and love for those that she wants to also be holding on. Then there are people that are in the mists that seem to be desperately navigating their way back to the path; their expression really showing how noble their efforts are. Only God knows where are hearts are. I really think the fall of the great and spacious building will be great because we will all feel the rumblings within our own hearts. We will be striped of our pride and we will be anxious to reach a hand to all those that now realize how shallow this seemingly stable building was.

  8. I love how you said "the fall will be great because we will all feel the rumblings in our own hearts". I totally agree with this. While reading the talk by president Benson it really showed me how prideful my heart can be but i love how he ends that we can change, we can either be compelled to be humble or we can choose it but God needs a humble people.

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  10. I recently read a talk on Pride by Kim B Clark (2009). He said: " Well did the Lord warn us: Beware of pride. Beware; be alert; be on guard against the perils of pride. May I suggest some things to watch for, some things of which we should all beware? I think of this list as red flags of pride. These red flags are like the little flags that landscapers put on the lawn when they have applied dangerous chemicals. Thin films of pride come with warning flags like the following:

    1. Do you find yourself critiquing the talks in sacrament meeting?

    2. Are you critical of others? Do you look down on others? Do you scorn or ridicule them?

    3. When adversity strikes, do you hear a voice inside that says, “Why me?” 4. Do you react to prophetic counsel by ignoring it, being upset by it, or interpreting it to suit your own desires?

    5. When you do something good, do you hear a voice inside congratulating yourself?

    6. Do you feel self-gratification and a sense of importance in your knowledge and skill?

    7. If someone you know receives something good, do you hear a voice inside saying, “What about me?” 8. Do you find ways to let others know of your success without appearing to boast?

    9. If someone corrects a mistake you made, do you feel defensive and resentful?

    10. When someone does something that creates inconvenience for you, do you feel annoyed?"

    1. I really like this list! Thank you for sharing. Helps me think about pride in different ways.
