Wednesday, January 14, 2015

January 15th Reading Assignment

January 15th Reading Assignment

Daily Reading Question

How does the angel describe the great and abominable church?  What does Satan and his followers try to do to the Saints?


  1. I found it interesting the difference between the great and abominable church bringing the saints down with its yoke of iron and the Lords request to "take my yoke upon you ... for my yoke is easy and my burden is light".

  2. I like what Bruce R. McConkie said, “The titles church of the devil and great and abominable church are used to identify all … organizations of whatever name or nature—whether political, philosophical, educational, economic, social, fraternal, civic, or religious—which are designed to take men on a course that leads away from God and his laws and thus from salvation in the kingdom of God” (Mormon Doctrine, 2nd ed. [1966], 137–38). Be clear that the phrase “great and abominable church” does not refer to a particular denomination or church. It refers to any and all organizations that are designed to lead people away from God and His laws." I think in sports it is important to know your opponent.  You will watch or study the other team to see what strategies they use. These verses help us gain some insight on what strategies Satan is using today.

    1. I did not know that Melissa, thanks for sharing

  3. Satan has many ways to lead us astray and tempt us. If we didn't know how he can lead us astray and tempt us then we wouldn't be prepared. It's a heads up so we can build our foundations and become anchored into the gospel. And we wouldn't be able to tell the difference between Satan's ways and the Lords ways. Satan can be very tricky.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. V17 is very descriptive. The mists of darkness tempt us by clouding our thinking. #1 way Satan clouds are thinking is when we allow thoughts of "you're not good enough", etc. gain control of us. Then we eventually can become blind to God's love for us, so in turn we don't feel like our choices matter, etc. Once our hearts are hard, Satan's work is pretty much done, we wander off on our own because like the verse said the path becomes broad.
    I think this process can happen in small and large ways. I think we've all experienced it to different extents. Sometimes it's just a thought and we can circle back quickly, but when we allow this process to progress into longer periods of time, the process to circle back obviously becomes longer, but never impossible.

  6. Thanks for your comment cortney, it really resonated with me. Something that stuck out to me today was in verse 18 it talks about the building being vain me this means comparison in that we look around and it seems that everyone else has it all figured out or more glamorous life and we forget our own blessings and this can harden our heart and turn us away from God. I need to be careful of this, sometimes changing diapers and staying up all night with sick kids seems anything but glamorous but i need to remember the sacred role of motherhood in those moments. Hope this makes sense:)

    1. Thanks for sharing this!! I really needed to hear this today. I do this too and look around at everyone and thing they have it all figured out and that I am the only one that is struggling. I need to be better at turning to God and realizing the blessing that I do have.

  7. We have to put on our spiritual armor each day. We can't let our guard down or show weakness because then we become vulnerable to Satan's lies and traps. Many times he's subtle and we don't even realize he's distracting us from what is most important. We have to prepare for battle each day doing the simple things. Reading the scriptures has helped me be kind to someone that has hurt many people in my family. Satan wants us to fight and be contentious but that is not the Lord's way.

    1. This reminds me of one of my favorite quotes. It's by President Kimball. He says, “It is extremely difficult, if not impossible, for the devil to enter a door that is closed. He seems to have no keys for locked doors. But if a door is slightly ajar, he gets his toe in, and soon this is followed by his foot, then by his leg and his body and his head, and finally he is in all the way.”

      This supports a theory I really like that it is easier to be 100% committed to the gospel, than 99% or 98%. We can't dabble in little things outside of the gospel standards. It's gotta be all white - no gray. Satan only gets in if we crack the door open - even just a little.

  8. The angel describes the great and abominable church as it tortureth me. And bindeth them down with a yoke. Makes me automatically think of the savior saying for my yoke is easy and my burden is light. Satan is always working. I found this paragraph from the book. To draw closer to God. By Henry Eyring. As the days go on satan will expand the space that is not safe. He will try every way he can to persuade you that there is no danger in trying to come as close as you can to that dividing line. At the same time he is trying to persuade people that there is no line at all. Because he knows that you know it is there , he will say to you "come closer to the line" but you can bring the protective powers of heaven down on you by simply deciding to go towards the savior and wait on him

  9. I've discovered that Satan succeeds with me when he can distract me from the "best" things. I often get sidetracked or busy with good things, but the best things get pushed to the side. If I haven't made the time for prayers, scriptures, FHE and temple attendance because I am too busy or too tired, then Satan has won a small victory over me. Am I "all in" or just 80%? Some days are better than others, which is why I'm grateful we have the atonement and sacrament to give us the motivation and opportunity to try again. I was in a sealing recently and the sealer said something that really struck me... He said the Lord knew we would need to start fresh often. That's why we have the sacrament. We can start fresh each week. If we truly use the sacrament like HF intended, we'll never go very far astray. HF knows we can make it a few days at a time. Just a few days at a time in between our opportunities for the sacrament. We can do that!!! I definitely want to be on the winning team in the end!

  10. I think the great fall be a lot of people it will also be a great emotiin and physical fall. Those who thought they had it all figured out will suddenly be left bereft spiritually and without possessions or testimony. I I've that John ytheway

  11. Love that John Bytheway says his favorite name for the plan of salvation is the plan of happiness. We are all looking for happiness and those who think they have found it while disobeying the commandment will have disappointment that will be exceedingly great. Bytheway also said quoting another, 'a larger definition of antiChrist is thinking we can find happiness outside the plan of happiness,'...the he a 'i say into you wrogo pongo
