Sunday, January 4, 2015

January 5th Reading Assignment

January 5th Reading Assignment

1 Nephi 4:1-19

Daily Reading Question:
What principle do you learn from Nephi’s response to his brothers?
Note: Please feel free to share anything that stuck out to you. 


  1. I'm not sure it's ever stood out to me so profoundly, but Nephi is being asked to go and get the plates and in his explanation of why he is confident the Lord will help them, he cites examples from the very writings he is supposed to obtain. He reminds L&L of a time God helped His people accomplish a righteous purpose when he tells of the Lord delivering the Moses and the Israelites. Why should Laban's armies be feared any more than Pharoah's? I want that kind of faith and trust - that if I know God has delivered and strengthened His servants in other times and places, why not me in whatever thing I am being asked to do?

    1. That is what stood out to me as well. Nephi drew courage and faith in the Lord's power even before he had really seen it in action because he knew God had helped Moses and others. What a great example of Nephi likening the scriptures to himself and his situation.

  2. That with God, ALL things are possible...even if they are hard. The lord does not give us more than what we can handle and He knew that Nephi could handle the difficult task of killing Laban, and once again he showed great faith. We all have had times in our life when we have been asked to do difficult things and I'm grateful for my testimony that I know that He will carry us through everything that he asks of us if we just have faith. I am also thankful for the miracles in my own life and that the lord has been with me every step of the way and for brave individuals around me who are such good examples to me of exercising their faith and never giving up!

  3. Nephi has great courage to stand strong, even if he is being murmured at or having to get out of his comfort zone. I love seeing his testimony shine through his words and actions because it makes me realize when I face a hard situation, am I going to back down and give up or have the courage to just do it?!

  4. Nephi is a go getter! He is human and he has his doubts, but at the end of it all he knows that the Lord will deliver him to whatever needs to be accomplished. President Hinckley says, " Keep trying. Be believing. Be happy. Don't get discouraged. Everything will work out." Nephi knew, because of his relationship with Heavenly Father, that everything would work out. As we are prompted by the spirit to do things are we hesitant to do them? Do we even follow our promptings we receive? This made me ponder upon my own life of promptings I have received and haven't followed through with. What am I missing out on that the Lord has delivered me to do? Be a go getter and with Heavenly Father, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Ghost all things are made possible!

  5. I love the faith and confidence Nephi showed in speaking to his brothers in 1 Nephi 4:1"let us be faithful in keeping the commandments of the Lord for behold he is mightier than all the earth, then why not mightier than Laban and his fifty, yea, or even than his tens of thousands?" Not only did Nephi talk the talk he walked the walk. I think sometimes it is easy to talk it up but are we willing to actually go and do what we say we will do. He showed such courage and faith by going and getting the plates. I hope I will follow his example of being faithful and have the courage to choose the right even when it's not easy! 

  6. I remember my institute teacher Brother Harding teaching us about Faithful thinking... he told us that whenever we are faced with a challenge focus on what you know... Nephi did not know how they were going to get the plates, but He knew that God is able to do all things. So he chose to be think faithfully and act on what he did know. I really really need remember this.. sometimes I think I have to figure everything out and solve everything....when really I just need to be more believing, more faithful, and trust more in God who is able to do all things.

  7. Verse 14 stood out to me this time - had Nephi not been spiritually preparing for this by praying and receiving answers while still in the wilderness, he wouldn't have had the confidence to proceed.

  8. The principle that stands out to me is trust. Nephi trusted Heavenly Father that He would lead him and never leave Him. It would be easy to be trusting as he was trying to convince his brothers in the cavity of the rock after you had seen an angel. But as it got down to the wire, as he 'crept' down to the city, not even knowing how it was going to play out shows how much he trusted God. I know that in my life I have been required to do things that don't make sense and I have been led not knowing what the end result will be. I know that God leads His children--I know He leads me. I know that it is imperative to trust God, and I hope to be more like Nephi in this regard--to not only trust when it's easy. But especially trust when it is hard.

  9. I admire Nephi's faith, courage, and dependability! Verse 3 stood out to me tonight..."wherefore can ye doubt?" Laman and Lemuel had not only been taught the miraculous stories recounted by Nephi, but had just SEEN AN ANGEL! What greater witness could they have had?! And yet they still doubted and murmured at the task that they before them. With the beginning of each new year I stress about my special needs son changing teachers, classrooms, and time schedules. Change is hard for him which means it's hard on our family. As I began to worry and pray the spirit reminded me about the very lessons we have been studying this week. The Lord won't give us any commandment (ie: go to church, partake of the sacrament, magnify callings) without preparing a way for us to keep that commandment. We must also REMEMBER the witness we've received from countless experiences...he is aware of and takes care of the details. Finally, we must "act in faith" even when solutions to our problems seem unclear. Grateful for these powerful lessons taught by Nephi.
