Saturday, January 3, 2015

January 4th Reading Assignment

January 4th Reading Assignment

1 Nephi 3:9-31

Daily Reading Question

What do the scriptures contain that is 
valuable to you? Why? 


  1. I am reminded of the quote that goes something along the lines of, "When I want to talk to God I pray. When God talks to me it's through His scriptures...." I know that isn't the exact quote, but it is so true! The Lord communicates with us through His doctrine. Answers to our life questions are everywhere in the scriptures. The scriptures are our literal GPS back to Eternal Life. Nephi is willing to give up all worldly possessions to obtain the Brass Plates from Laban, because he knows the value in them. Sometimes I don't know if I have that same mentality, but I hope to remember what is really important in my life. The scriptures give me confidence and a real power to overcome any challenge in my life. This is what I love most about the scriptures!

  2. It is interesting to look at the differences between Laman and Nephi. At first it seems obvious, but sometimes I forget that Laman was asked and tried to do something really hard: Go to Laban by HIMSELF and retrieve the plates. That would have been really scary for me to do, but he went. Not only that, but after he failed, he went back a second time with his brothers. There is something to be said for that.

    I think where the difference lies between him and Nephi are in their attitudes. While it doesn't say specifically, I imagine Laman grumbling the whole way, maybe making a half-hearted pitch to Laban for the plates and then complaining the whole way back of how stupid this whole thing is. Where we know Nephi was always steadfast and faithful while on the Lord's errand.

    This caused some self-reflection for me. When I'm going to church, home teaching, going to the temple, or working on my calling; am I doing so with a Laman or Nephi-like attitude. That makes a huge difference. I think I get blessings for going to church regardless of my attitude. But there is a huge difference if I go and just coast through the meetings, don't make any comments, and just watch the clock for it to be over; compared to if I go excited to participate in the lessons and renew my covenants.

    Sorry, I know that's not what the daily question was about, it's just what hit me while I was reading.

    1. I think that's a great point. Thanks for sharing.

    2. Great insight on how we can liken these scriptures unto ourselves. To me, stories and examples are some of the most important things in the scriptures, when we stop and liken them to ourselves. I really like this format for study the scriptures because it make me stop and think about what I have read, and it's a chance to read how others have likened the passages unto themselves and to our day.

  3. Something I've noticed from reading more specifically the Book of Mormon is the message of hope. Alone in ch 3 I noticed 14 times the phrase and we hear it throughout the Book of Mormon "And it came to pass," and to me that doesn't mean and it came to stay.
    In other words, the trials, pains, everything that doesn't seem fair in life, those feelings and times will not stay! Why?
    Because of the Savior, who himself went through the most agany and pain while performing the Atonement said to Heavenly Father, "Father, if thou be willing, remove this cup from me: nevertheless not my will, but thine, be done." Luke 22:42
    Jesus Christ did not give up and was completely submissive to God by realizing that it wasn't about Him but it was about God and His will and timing. I want to remember Christ example always along with the examples of the prophets in the scriptures and how they endured.

  4. Like maury my comment may not specifically answer your question..however, this is what was valuable to me today:) i have read this passage many times but today it really struck me that while it was God who asked Nephi and his brothers to get the plates He didn't make it super easy. I think sometimes i feel like if i am being obedient and striving to do what God wants it should be easy:) but i know that God helps us and strengthens us and then when we are able to accomplish what God has asked we see the growth of our testimony and faith and what a great blessing that is. I also really learned from the last verse where laman and lemuel are talking about how powerful laban is...fearing man more than God. That is a good reminder for me.

    1. Good point about just because it is a commandment and the right thing to do doesn't mean it will be easy!

  5. It is interesting to me that the brothers failed twice in their efforts to gain the plates. Laman's perhaps half-hearted effort would be understandable. But Nephi's? Really? He gave all the worldly possessions they had, demonstrating a great deal of faith and sincere intent to do God's will and obtain the plates. On paper, it also sounded like a great plan--appeal to Laban's worldly desires and trade their treasures for the plates. And what did he get in return? A threat on his life and a beating from his brothers. I think that many times God allows us to fail and fail again so that when success or progress does come, we recognize that it is by His hand, not our own. Had I been Nephi and had success in the second attempt, I may have smugly and pridefully thought--"Now that is how it is done, Laman!" I would have most likely given myself a pat on the back for coming up with such a brilliant plan:) Perhaps honest efforts resulting in failures and struggles are important in developing the faith needed to "go and do" and then the humility to give credit (to God) where credit is due.

    1. That is interesting - if never considered why Nephi's attempt here shouldn't have been successful. It seems a good idea, and he was being obedient - seems like it should have worked! I like your suggestion that it taught Nephi and his brothers to trust in The Lord. A good lesson for us, too. Thanks for your insights.

    2. That answers the question I was wondering about earlier today as to why The Lord didn't prepare the way for Laman on his initial attempt. 👍

  6. Your question made me stop and think. What do I find in the scriptures? What do they contain? I pondered that for awhile and came up with a few answers. They contain peace. Knowledge. Simply put, they contain the gifts of the Spirit. As I read (and ponder, too), I can feel the Holy Ghost softening my heart

  7. (Continued from previous comment) enlightening my mind, testifying of truth. Thanks for the good question (and sorry to break this over two comments; commenting on my phone is always tricky!)

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Today's question made me wonder what I would do to ensure the scriptures are always a part of my life. Would I risk my life for them? I don't know that I would ever have to do that necessarily, and I would like to think that I would, because I do value them. On the other hand, it makes me wonder what I am putting before the scriptures that allows my scripture study time to be neglected at certain times. My feelings towards the scriptures should be reflected in my study. And just like Lehi's family, I need to be willing to give up "my worldly possessions" to really take advantage of them. I have always read the scriptures everyday, but how much I get out of them depends on me and the time and effort I am willing to put into them.

  10. I am loving all of the comments.  I love this quote by L. Tom Perry," Nephi’s example teaches us that the blessings of the scriptures are far more valuable than property and other worldly things. Pursuing the things of the world can sometimes give us momentary pleasures but not lasting joy and happiness. When we seek after the things of the Spirit, the rewards are eternal and will bring us the satisfaction we seek through this mortal experience." President Ezra Taft Benson reaffirmed the fact that the Book of Mormon is of particular value to our time when he said: "The Book of Mormon was written for us today. God is the author of the book. It is a record of a fallen people, compiled by inspired men for our blessing today. Those people never had the book—it was meant for us. Mormon, the ancient prophet after whom the book is named, abridged centuries of records. God, who knows the end from the beginning, told him what to include in his abridgment that we would need for our day”

  11. I love how the scriptures make me feel like I am not alone and that I can get through anything with the lord by my side. He will be on my left and on my right with Angels round about me to buoy me up, one of my favorite scriptures. What a comfort this is to me! I'm so thankful for the hope that the scriptures give me and that when I make a mistake, I have the atonement that allows me to progress and move forward and to never look back. So thankful for the scriptures that constantly remind me the love the savior has for me and each of us.
