Saturday, January 17, 2015

January 18th Reading Assignment

January 18th Reading Assignment
Daily Reading Question

Nephi sees the consequences for 

future generations of obeying or 

disobeying the Lord. How has 

choosing to be obedient to the 


brought you blessings. 


  1. Perfect obedience is challenging. But there are some things where we can be perfect, tithing is one, regular temple attendance might be another. It's easy to become discouraged, but it's not about being's about striving to become better each time we falter.

    1. Love that perspective! I think that is exactly how our Heavenly Father wants us to look at it. Satan wants us to think it's "one and done". If we make a mistake we might as well give up.

      But as Mark said, as we strive to improve, with pure intentions, and as we rely on the Savior; everything will be alright.

    2. I loved that last line, striving to become better each time we falter. I need to remember that!

  2. I like what it says in true to the faith, "Many people feel that the commandments are burdensome and that they limit freedom and personal growth. But the Savior taught that true freedom comes only from following Him: “If ye continue in my word, then are ye my disciples indeed; and ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free” (John 8:31–32). God gives commandments for your benefit. They are loving instructions for your happiness and your physical and spiritual well-being." I make mistakes and don't always do what I should. I know there is a power in obedience and when I am doing what's right things seem to go more smoothly. 

    1. We learned this in junior Primary today! Commandments are like road signs that point us back to heaven. They truly are for our benefit! Great comment.

  3. I used to struggle with the 2 ideas that if you are obedient you will be blessed and if i am not getting the blessings I want, then I am not being obedient enough. I have realized that Heavenly Father never withholds blessings from His children when they are righteous, but sometimes the blessings don't look exactly what we expect them to look like or come exactly when we want them. Obedience brings happiness and greater faith and understanding of principles, not a perfect life that looks exactly like we anticipate it to look.

    1. Great insight. I had wanted to be a counselor at efy and received an interview. I was so discouraged when I didn't get selected. That summer I would have been a counselor I ended up marrying my sweet husband. So even though it didn't work out as I had planned he had something better in store.

  4. I agree with Mark, God just wants us to improve each day even if we're being far from perfect and doing very little to follow him. I don't think tithing is easy to be perfect by any means, but an measurement. Although I know if I just follow the "rules"without the spirit, I don't feel like I'm improving. I hope that continuing with this and reading daily will bring me blessings.

    1. Good thought about following the rules without the spirit. I do think at the end of this year we will all look back and see how much we have grown from this experience.

  5. "The great test of this life is obedience." Pres. Monson. Hearken to me means to hear and do. If I hearken then God will manifest himself to me in Word (scriptures), Power (prayers), and Deed (God's will). Part of that obedience is also to always repent. I don't want to look at repentance as a set-back anymore, just more obedience on my part. And in turn God will reveal to me the plain and precious truth which was taken away (the stumbling block). Which will probably require yet more obedience. I see it as a beautiful circle.

  6. For me obedience means i get to have the spirit and this is my biggest goal; to live my life by the spirit because it will tell me all things what i should do. Easier said than done obviously but i know when I'm being obedient i am far more likely to be worthy of the spirit. I love the above comment about it being a beautiful circle, so true!

    1. I loved that"obedience means I get to have the spirit." So true!!

  7. This is so true. "Keep the commandments ... In this there is safety and peace." Peace coming by having the Spirit with us, of course!

  8. Some of today's comments reminded me of a quote I read several years ago. "Although perfection can never be achieved (in this life) our goal should be excellence." We just need to always be trying to improve and to do the best we can. We aren't in a competition with others.

    1. Thanks for sharing that!! I love the goal of excellence and trying to do better.
