Tuesday, January 6, 2015

January 7th Reading Assignment

January 7th Reading Assignment

Daily Reading Question
What experience(s) in your life has strengthened your testimony that you know for a "surety" that The Lord thy God does live and does guide your life?

Good Talk


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. The principle of a loving Heavenly Father guiding my life is actually one of the most integral parts of my testimony of the gospel. I have had so many experiences in my life that have quietly, but boldly testified to me that He is aware of me, guiding me and although any particular situation may not be what I had hoped for or expected, as time passes I can completely see His hand in it.
    One example from several years ago is when I was a 19 yr old college student doing a semester through BYU travel study in Nauvoo. Even though I was participating in a travel study program I wasn't technically a BYU student at that time. I had just finished up my Associate's Degree at UVSC (UVU now) & I wanted more than anything to transfer to BYU. Well, long story short while I was in Nauvoo I got a letter saying I wasn't accepted into BYU & I was devastated. I knew that I had other options that would be just fine, but I truly felt like I was supposed to be at BYU. So, I distinctly remember sitting on the banks of the Mississippi River alone thinking about the Pioneers taking the major step forward towards an unknown location and leaving their so loved Nauvoo behind. I prayed at that moment that I was turning it over to the Lord & was going to move forward in faith. I came home & quickly registered for the U of U and had signed up for all my classes. The Friday before the Monday morning classes were to start at the U, I completely out of the blue received a letter from BYU (hadn't had any correspondence with them for several months) saying that they had decided to review my application again and I was accepted for the following semester----at the time for me it was a complete shock and surprise! I was thrilled because while I was really excited to go to the U, I truly felt like I had received a spiritual confirmation that I was supposed to go to BYU & that ended up being SO right! I cherish my time there & that's where I met my husband! :)
    The point of this long story (sorry!) is that the Lord will guide us and open paths up for us. But, we must proceed with faith!

    1. I have never heard this story, such a cool experience! So glad you went to Byu and what path it put you on. So grateful to have you in my life!

  3. This made me think back to when Nephi was told to get the plates. He didn't go because he knew what was in them exactly. He just went because he was commanded to. And now in these verses he finds out the true blessing that these will make in their lives. A lot of times we won't know why we are asked to do certain things, only after obedience will we sometimes be shown God's truth.

    1. I love this! It is hard not always knowing why but there is such a power in obedience. Thanks for commenting!

  4. The most distinct time I felt this was as a "greeny" on my mission. I had been in Hungary for about 1 month. It was cold and foggy all the time, we had zero investigators, I couldn't speak the language, and I was really homesick. I had no one to turn to and felt 100% completely alone. It was super-depressing.

    I had nowhere to turn except to get on my knees and pray. I prayed and asked for comfort, and to not feel alone. I was immediately blessed with a warm and secure feeling. It’s hard to describe, but I felt our Savior’s love wrap around me and comfort me. This carried me through a really difficult mission, and I never felt like I was alone again. I’m thankful for this experience because I will never doubt the reality that we have a loving Father in Heaven who is aware of us and our needs and is there for us when we need Him.

    1. Thanks for sharing this! I love hearing about how you were comforted in a hard time.

  5. There are so many examples in my life where my testimony was strengthened but one that stands out most was when my husband was diagnosed with cancer. We had only been married for a couple of years and were so scared of losing him. It was a time that really tested our faith. We were told by his doctor that this was a curable cancer but that we would not be able to have children which was very devastating to us. We had family members who were against traditional medicine and advised us not to go through the radiation treatments and instead use homeopathic medicines and that we should not trust the doctors. It was a very scary and emotional time for us and we felt we were being pulled in every direction and were so torn as to what to do. We fasted and prayed many times to find answers and this one particular day I had the very distinct feeling that we should get a blessing from our stake president who just so happened to be visiting in our ward that day. He gave my husband and I a wonderful blessing that said he should go through the radiation treatments, that this was very treatable and that all would turn out well. And everything did turn out well just as we were blessed and not only that, right towards the end of my husband's treatments, we found out we were pregnant! His doctor told us we should abort the baby because she would be deformed and have many problems. We knew this was not an option and of course chose to keep our sweet baby and knew the lord had other plans for our family and sent her to us for a reason. We were blessed with our 2nd daughter, our miracle baby, who has no physical problems at all! We named her Emma which means "whole and complete" and that she is and my husband is cancer free to this day! This experience taught me so much in putting my trust and faith in the lord. I know He lives and knows each one of us by name and that He has a plan for us and knows what we need to learn in this life. He will not leave us comfortless. I am so grateful for the many tender mercies and blessings in my life that have helped strengthen my testimony and know for a surety that my savior loves me.

    1. What an amazing story!! That must have been such a hard decision but I love the faith you showed in following your Stake President's advice. I also loved the story of your children. Thank you so much for sharing this!!

    2. Thank you Melissa! And love love your blog!! So grateful I happened upon it, it has been an answer to my prayers! Also, I LOVE the talk you shared by Dallin H Oaks and the story he shared about the gunman. I love what he says in his talk, "I am grateful for the Book of Mormon promise to us of the last days that “the righteous need not fear,” for the Lord “will preserve the righteous by his power.” (1 Ne. 22:17.) So powerful!!

  6. Another note..I love how Sariah rejoices and gives thanks when her sons return safely. It reminds me that we need to give thanks in all things even in the darkest times in our life and recognize that the lord does hear and answer our prayers. I am truly thankful for my trials and know because of them my testimony has been strengthened the most.

  7. My whole life as I reflect and look back has been in God's hands. I always imagined my life to be "plan A" and God has always had "plan B". I have usually ended up being on "plan B" with the Lord whether I wanted to or not. I never imagined, dreamed, or even wanted to serve a mission. The Lord always knew that I would serve. I am so grateful for the opportunity to have served and to have learned so much about the gospel, but more importantly who I was and who I wanted to be. Serving a mission has brought forth so many moments of strength to my testimony. As I listened to the promptings of serving a mission, it led to following the promptings to come back to WSU after my mission, which led me to my greatest moment in life as of today marrying my husband. Everyday I am so grateful and amazed that God led us to each other! God knows our path, He always does. We must be willing and faithful to follow that path.

    1. So glad you went on a mission and you came back to WSU. We are so blessed to have you in our family!

  8. Oh my... where to begin. This truth, that God knows me and guides me is probably the thing that keeps me going no matter what. One of my most favorite quotes was given by President Hinckley but he was quoting it from another individual.. but this is what it says and I repeat it often. "I believe I am always divinely guided, I believe I will always take the right road, I believe God will always make a way, even when there appears to be now way." I never thought I would be a single mom of three little boys, and while it can be extremely overwhelming I have seen God's hand in my life on a daily basis. But two huge things that I reflect on often and am so thankful for are the place I am living, and my job. I feel like both of these things are complete miracles that have lessened the overwhelming-ness of my situation and strengthened my testimony that God knows me, he loves me and he will provide for me the things that will bless mine and my children's lives.

    1. I love that quote!! You are such a good example to me and such an amazing Mom. I love how you are looking for the good and seeing God's hand in your life.

  9. Love this ^^^^.
    You are a wonderful mother! Your boys will have such a tender place in their hearts for you throughout their lives!

  10. This was an instagram post from last month when my husband was having open heart surgery. It sums up my feeling about knowing of a surety that The Lord is involved in my life.

    "I don't believe in coincidences..but rather appointments. Our doctor told us post surgery Brig was very sick and his heart valve not functioning..at all. Quite remarkable he was running on the treadmill the week before. As I look back on the last few years I am amazed to see how our path has lead us to Utah...to be guided to the right hospital...the right surgeon...at the right time...and 5 minutes from my childhood home so as to receive the help and support we would need in this moment. We had an appointment here. I am glad we kept it. Sometimes people will ask me if I worry about the future with a special needs adult son. I tell them I don't look too far into the future because I know The Lord is preparing his and our path and He will meet us at the crossroads when we get there. "And whoso receiveth you, there I will be also, for I will go before your face. I will be on your right hand and on your left, and my Spirit shall be in your hearts, and mine angels round about you, to bear you up." D&C 84:88 Once again I am reminded that I am not in charge and my Heavenly Father is directing my path and my families. He goes before me and prepares the way..works out the details...and then meets me at the crossroads and holds my hand through the difficult moments. It's like magic. A miracle."

    1. Wow, I love the concept having faith that He is preparing our paths and will meet us at the crossroads when we get there. Reminds me of a line in the hymn "Lead, Kindly Light"...Keep thou my feet; I do not ask to see
      The distant scene--one step enough for me.
      Thanks for sharing!

  11. This might sound sad, but God always shares his presence with me during times of death. When my grandparents died and I attended their funeral (some of which were not LDS), I was comforted by the spirit to know that they were in a better place and that God would be with them. When I speak with my grandma (who is not from the lds faith) I also know for sure that God does exist and is with her every day. She speaks with such conviction and passion that it can't be ignored. I hope to experience more regular times of this surety so that I may feel this constant conviction like my grandma does.

  12. I think knowing that God's hand is in our unique situation is so powerful. In 2013 I received a cancer diagnosis, and was recovering from the resulting surgery and anticipating the beginning of chemotherapy. It was the Saturday evening before Easter and were in need of comfort as a family...we decided to sing "I Know the My Redeemer Lives"..truly what comfort that sweet sentence gave to us. Such comfort, that we sang it again as a family before going to church. On the way to church we commented on how we hoped we could sing it in church again to feel of the great spirit and comfort of that song. We knew that the hymn number was #136. As we entered the chapel I saw as each face fell a little when we realized that hymn # would not be on the program today. As we finished the closing hymn, our bishop stood up and announced that he would like the congregation to sing another hymn...hymn #136! I will never forget seeing the mouths of my children drop in surprise and never forget hearing their sweet voices sing that hymn that day! I hope that experience strengthened their testimony as it did mine-- that God is with us and aware of us!

  13. Awesome talk! Elder Oaks is my favorite speaker, I saw him a few years ago. He's truly touched by the spirit!

  14. I love that story Jen thank you for sharing that!
    I notice that as I'm going through a trial or even after it's over, It's a tender mercy because I am reminded of my potential and worth as a daughter of God! Just how in ch 6 it talks about how the Book of Mormon is written to not please the world but to please God. That brings me a lot of comfort as I continue reading the Book of Mormon, it will help remind me how to live in the world but not of it, to realize and learn my purpose of being here on earth and how much God loves me!
