Monday, January 5, 2015

January 6th Reading Assignment

January 6th Reading Assignment

Daily Reading Question
What impresses you about how Lehi responded to Sariah’s complaining?         
What can we learn from Lehi’s response to Sariah?
Note: Please feel free to share anything that stuck out to you. 

Great Talk


  1. It's good to see human reactions in the scriptures because it helps us relate. I can relate to Sariah's response. I think it is totally natural. But what stuck out to me, is the value of having a righteous spouse to buoy us up in times we are struggling.

    Lehi helped Sariah through her hard time by bearing testimony. I'd like to think that there were days that Sariah helped Lehi when he was struggling too. Lehi is a good example to us that when hard times come, we need to grow closer to the Lord, instead of turning away from him.

  2. I agree with Maury, as I was reading this I thought how interesting it was the Nephi even thought to record this portion about his mother's feelings and the way Lehi reacted. But I love that he did. I love that she like any mother would be concerned for her children, and although we know she was faithful it can still be hard and I like that she felt comfortable sharing her concerns with Lehi. And then I love that Lehi didn't get mad but just focused on his beliefs, helping her to feel peace and turn back to faith. I hope to be more like this!

  3. What impresses me is how Lehi is humble and not prideful! After Sariah says you are a visionary man and she complains, he just responds to her in love by not getting defensive or angry. He doesn't blame others or God for anything, he recognizes himself and how he is a visionary man and he doesn't deny what God has done. I admire their examples because it makes me reflect on my own life. How am I going to react to others even if I don't agree with them? Am I going to be supportive and not get angry, offended, be negative, blame or criticize others? It's easier said than done at times but it's so important to have strong relationships with others!

  4. Lehi was never rude, loud, angry, or even upset with Sariah. He was able to bear testimony of his faith in God and comfort her with his testimony. I am so thankful for the opportunity to communicate with those we love. To feel comfortable enough to go to someone and share concerns with that person,knowing that they will listen and comfort us. Sariah felt that comfortable with her husband to talk with him about her concerns. I want those I love to feel that comfort when they come to me with concerns, and know that I will listen and do my best to comfort them in their time of trial. I love this sweet and tender example of what true love really is.

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  6. I love the interaction between these two, Sariah having a weak moment and showing her vulnerable human side. As a mom, I could relate to her and how she had to rely on the strength of her husband. I admire how loving Lehi was with his wife and how he comforted her and didn't try to make her feel bad yet was steadfast in trusting the lord that their sons would return safely and that Sariah had to put her trust in her husband. What a good example these two are and the love and respect they have for each other. It reminds me how blessed I am to have a husband who is a constant strength to me and who leads our family in righteousness.

  7. What impresses you about how Lehi responded to Sariah’s complaining?
    What can we learn from Lehi’s response to Sariah?

    I couldn't help but think of my husband when reading these last two sections. We hardly ever argue and almost never fight, but when we do it's usually because I'm not trusting him and feeling like my thoughts aren't considered. If he corrects me or reminds me to do something, I often get defensive and annoyed, but he almost never does. Sariah had many reasons to be concerned and worry about her children. My husband is the only person on earth that I 100% completely trust, but I would be completely concerned and unsure of my reaction if he asked us to just pick up and leave and then send children back into a place we escaped from. We don't have 2 legged children, but we do have 3 four legged children that are my babies. We also just made a big move from Washington to Juneau, AK where a boat or plane is necessary to make it. I'm about to start my career in teaching and if my husband asked me to drop everything right now or leave the animals I would panic and fight tooth and nails. I honestly don't know how I would react if he said that he was inspired by God. He responds to my irritability much like Lehi did with Sariah, however we almost always come to an agreement and he treats me with the utmost respect. I need to be reminded to stay calm and that it's ok to disagree or be wrong occasionally.

    *By the way, I like that you post these on Instagram and here. I check instagram more often, so it reminds me, but I like the formality of the blog better and find it more beneficial.

  8. I thought it was neat to see him bearing his testimony to her before they made it back! He had complete faith in the Lord.

  9. Lehi sees that God is in control, and testifies. I love that we see this human side of Sariah too. She had left the comforts of her home, and she thought 4 of her sons were dead. When times are hard, I think it is normal and ok to feel discouraged. These emotions make us human. In looking at the footnotes for "complained" it went to murmuring--which denotes disobedience, and ingratitude. I feel that as Sariah was worried and overwhelmed and feeling ungrateful for her circumstances, Lehi was reminding her of not only his testimony, but what they needed to be grateful for. It's a good reminder to keep gratitude in our hearts even at the hardest times, but realize that having hard days and days of ingratitude are inevitable, and we need to strive to just do our best.

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  11. Here's my blunt response to the question: A lot of things seem nutso to us until we receive a spiritual confirmation of them. Her response is no different than when we find out we need to make a big move, change careers, of any other major event that takes us by surprise---at first it seems crazy! If it truly is the right thing though, we will receive a spiritual confirmation of it and move forward in faith!

  12. I loved the idea of adding to our reading by studying the words of the prophets. Elder Zwick's message was powerful! I appreciated the reminder to respond with a "soft answer." I appreciate Lehi's example of validating and trying to comfort. He could have responded defensively or chastised her for her murmuring.

  13. Just wanted to say that in love that you have added a conference talk to the reading. So excited!!!

    1. Thanks! I wasn't sure if people would use the talks but it is good to hear that people are liking this feature.
