Tuesday, September 19, 2017

September 20th Reading Assignment

 Daily Reading Question
 What are you doing to actively invite the influence of the Holy Ghost into your life and to keep Satan's influence out of your heart?
 Daily Talk


  1. Melissa. Can you start adding the verses to the chapter link as follows: https://www.lds.org/scriptures/bofm/hel/6.32-41?lang=eng

    1. Hi David, if you click on the daily reading assignment it will take you right to the scriptures on lds.org. Hope this helps.

  2. It is so true that if Satan "can get hold upon the hearts of the children of men" he will have power to "drag the people down to destruction." As in the case of the Nephites (vs. 32) it doesn't take us very long to withdraw our hearts from the Savior if we aren't watchful. I thought it was interesting the comparison between the Lamanites and the Nephites in verses 37 and 38. The Lamanites recognized, hunted out, and destroyed the wickedness from among their people, whereas, the Nephites, nurtured the wickedness and it spread all throughout the land. A good question for us might be "am I nurturing the wickedness in my heart or searching for it and destroying it? We keep the influence of the Holy Ghost in our lives by doing the basics...praying, church and temple attendance, paying tithes and offerings, keeping the commandments, and by feasting on the words of Christ. In our previous reading (Alma 13:20) we are warned that "the scriptures are before you; if ye will wrest them it will be to your own destruction." Thanks Melissa and Maury for providing this resource as we try to make our BOM study this year meaningful!
