Thursday, September 7, 2017

September 8th Reading Assignment

 Daily Reading Question

Who do you know who has faced adversity and affliction and has chosen to have a soft hard and increased trust in God?


  1. There is a kind sister who lives in our area, she attends church regularly with her husband. They are in their late 70's. He's almost lost all his hearing, both knees have been replaced, blood sugar levels are erratic and difficult to regulate, eyesight is terrible. She has an advanced case of Parkinson's. You would think that if anyone had a reason to be angry about life it could be them. Yet, they are humble, and dedicated to the work of the Lord. They bake cookies and constantly deliver them to people in the neighborhood every week. They have done this for years, even I have been the recipient during tough times.
    This is how Christ went about. He quietly, individually, and personally ministered to others.

    1. Thank you so much for sharing this Mark! What a great example they are.
