Wednesday, September 6, 2017

September 7th Reading Assignment

Alma 62:34-52

 Daily Reading Question
What principles can you identify in Alma 62:40–41

1 comment:

  1. I found it interesting that in vs. 36 we read that as a result of Teancum's anger with Ammoron, Teancum goes "in his anger" into the camp of the Lamanites and puts a javelin through the heart of the king. The end result for Teancum is death himself as the king's servants pursue and kill him. I am wondering if the outcome for Teancum would have been different had he gone "in the strength of the Lord" or being "led by the Spirit" rather than "in his anger."
    In my life, I recognize the difference in the outcome of my efforts when I act, or rather, react to certain situations out of fear or anger, and when I act in faith, being led by the Spirit.
