Wednesday, May 17, 2017

May 18th Reading Assignment

Daily Reading Question

How has the Lord strengthened you in your personal battles?


  1. The talk today was so amazing. I love Elder Bednar. I loved this quote about his response to a question about change, "...we will have help from heaven. Because we know who is in charge and that we are not alone..." That struck me so powerfully today. In all things that we must overcome, both large and small, we are never alone and always have help. I don't know why I have such a hard time remembering what that really means, and the power that I should be asking and accepting everyday.
    I also noticed today in the reading that just because they were strengthened in the Lord, there was still casualties. In fighting our 'personal battles,' we may loose a little bit of faith. We may loose sight of our trust in God, or we may loose hope. But I can boldly testify that God never abandons us. Ever. That if we cling to Him and we continually ALLOW Him to help us and lead us He ALWAYS will. But we must submit our will--allow what we want, to become the casualty in our personal battles and as we find our new will aligned with His, we are stronger than ever before.

    1. Thanks Suzanne!! I always love hearing what you learned. Thanks for sharing!

  2. Excellent! Thank you for that amazing insight. Love it!!
