Saturday, May 13, 2017

May 14th Reading Assignment

Daily Reading Question

 King Mosiah shares revelation on the importance of righteous leadership. How has righteous leadership in the church blessed your life?


  1. I like the formula given in V20 on deliverance from bondage. It says that if the people:

    1. Humble themselves
    2. Cry mightily (prayer)
    3. Trust in Him

    Then they will be delivered out of bondage. I love that Mosiah took the time to record this phrase, "And thus doth the Lord work with his power IN ALL CASES among the children of men."

    This helped me realize that the formula applies to me as well.

  2. I really love verse 19 & 20 because of the imagery in the phrase "extending the arm of mercy" towards them that put their trust in Me. As I sit each Sunday and watch the deacons reverently extend the emblems of the sacrament, I try to imagine them as the Savior lovingly "extending His arm of mercy" to me. If we repent and put our trust in His offering...His Sacrifice, the Savior's atonement will release us from spiritual bondage.

    1. Thanks for sharing this great imagery! What a great reminder of His mercy!
