Sunday, May 7, 2017

May 8th Reading Assignment

Daily Reading Question
What did the rising generation refuse to do because of their unbelief?        
What were the effects of their unbelief?

Daily Talk


  1. V24 really hit me today. It reads: "And they were called the people of God. And the Lord did pour out his Spirit upon them, and they were blessed, and prospered in the land." I especially liked the phrase, "Poured out his Spirit upon them."

    Do we know what that feels like? Have you been in a testimony meeting, a Sunday School lesson, or at home and felt that the Lord was pouring out His Spirit upon you? Where the whole room is filled with the Spirit?? What a great feeling that is when it does happen!

    This has made me think about what I can do in my life to make this "pouring" happen more frequently. We know it is always available, it's just if we chose to put ourselves in situations to be capable of feeling it.
