Sunday, April 16, 2017

April 17th Reading Assignment
Daily Reading Question
 To whom can you go for help in your efforts to forgive? How can you avoid feelings of offense and anger in the future? 

Daily Talk

And Nothing Shall Offend Them


  1. The main thing that hit me today was: How much influence we can have on our kids. The Lamanites of old taught their kids and grandkids to detest the Nephites, told them lies, and helped teach and foster hatred toward them. These pure innocent Lamanite babies came into this world without that disposition. They were taught it by their parents to the point where in V17 it says the Lamanites, "have an eternal hatred towards the children of Nephi."

    Parents have the same power. For example, since the day my two boys were born, I (like the Lamanites) have taught them the following critical principles:

    1. We love the Jazz and hate the Lakers.
    2. We love the Broncos and hate the Raiders.

    Two simple principles that are very easy to follow (I mean how could you cheer for Kobe and the Raiders are awful). And sure enough, my boys love the Jazz and Broncos, and they hate the Lakers and Raiders. This is a dumb example, but reminds me of my responsibility as a parent to teach them correct principles.

    These scriptures and the excellent talk today, are great reminders to us of the power we have to help raise good kids. Of course they have their agency, and of course we are nothing without our Savior. But we do have a great responsibility to teach our kids to choose the right.

    1. Such a great comment!! I love how you related this to parenting. Thank you.
