Saturday, April 1, 2017

Congratulations! We have now read 1/4 of The Book Of Mormon!

April 1st Reading Assignment

Daily Reading Question

In Omni 1:26, what does it mean to you to come unto Christ? How has reading for 4 months helped you to come unto Christ?

Daily Talk

Come Unto Christ


  1. The daily habit of turning to the teachings in the Book of Mormon has made a significant change in my life. I feel more patient with my children, more respect for my wife, and more sincere in personal prayer. It's been a great experience. I'm excited we are 1/4 of the way through the Book of Mormon.

    Excellent blog, thanks for all your efforts.

    Today's reading... I find the Book of Omni to be interesting because it demonstrates the Lord keeps his promises, even when we forget. This section covers a large time frame, passes through the hands of several record keepers, and shows a repeat cycle of destruction of the wicked and protection of the obedient to God.

  2. Coming Unto Christ while reading and studying the Book of Mormon has been a blessing. My spirit can communicate more clearly with the knowledge and understanding from the Holy Ghost. Thank you for your time and support with these talks each day. ¾ to go 😄♥️

  3. I have been so grateful to be part of this experience! It has strengthened my testimony of the Book of Mormon so much. It was indeed written for ME today! I love the power I feel from this book of scripture! Thank you Melissa for all your time and effort! It is much appreciated! !

  4. I loved the words in the talk "convinced" and "committed". I feel like reading the last 4 months has helped me obviously be more committed to the Savior and His teachings as I am trying to really read with intent and enthusiasm and heart.
    I loved vs 13, "And they were admonished continually by the word of God; and they were led by the power of his arm, through the wilderness." This applied so directly to me--as I am continually reading and seeking and finding, I am being "admonished continually" because I am actively committed. I have felt the "power of Gods arm" this year when I was in my own personal wilderness. I had the thought that committment means consecration and covenant keeping with courage whether it's convenient or not.
