Thursday, February 9, 2017

February 10th Reading Assignment

February 10th Reading Assignment
Daily Reading Question
Based on 2 Nephi 4:5, what would you say is a responsibility the Lord has given to parents? What are some truths you have learned from your parents or grandparents?


  1. I've often wondered: What are the "temptations and sins that do so easily beset" Nephi to the point where it caused him to say "O wretched man that I am!"? Did he think a mean thought about his brothers as they were trying to kill him multiple times?! Did he gloat and rub it in their faces when the boat was finished? (Probably not...... but I totally would have!)

    Whatever it was, it doesn't matter. What does matter is his response in V19, which is one of the most powerful phrases in the scriptures, "nevertheless, I know in whom I have trusted." I love that. There is power in the word, "nevertheless". It means "in spite of" but it also points toward the atonement. We, just like Nephi, when our hearts groaneth because of our sins, are able to use the atonement, and in spite of our sins, repent and return to live with Him again.

    1. Great comment! I like that you pointed out vs 19. It is so important to put our trust in God.

  2. Thank you for the talk today. I remember loving that talk when it was given in conference.

  3. I love these verses so much. I love that Nephi showed us how to think faithfully. He explains how even after all his miraculous experiences he still feels sorrow and pain and like Maury said above "nevertheless" he knows who he puts his trust in. I think this is such a perfect explanation of the opposition that happens within us all. We are greatly blessed, we witness miracles, and then trials or hardship or sin come and we begin to question and doubt, we feel sad or angry. So in those times we would be wise to do what Nephi does and recount all of our blessings, focus on what we do know about our Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. In that moment, we live out of faith and not fear. Such powerful stuff! And so in answer to your question, I guess I think our main job as parents is to teach our kids about Christ and to model for them how to turn to Christ in trials and in sin and hopefully no matter what choices they make in life they will have this knowledge as their foundation and will turn to Christ.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. I talked about my wonderful parents a few assignments back but today I will talk about some truths I learned from my grandparents. My Mom's parents were such amazing people. They loved the Lord and it showed through their actions. They were some of the most Christlike people I have ever met. During their mission in Germany my Grandpa got sick and they had to come home. One thing I will always remember about my Grandma was her optimism and her willingness to serve. My Grandpa never did get better and she was so sweet to him and took such good care of him. She always maintained a positive attitude even though she was going through some really hard trials. I admire her so much and learned so much from her example. I love that we can not only learn from our parents but from our grandparents as well.

  6. I've been thinking a lot lately about my role as a parent. My oldest is going to graduate from high school soon and I am terrified at the thought of her leaving our home and going out on her own. Have I done enough as her mother to make sure her spiritually foundation is rock solid? I see so many young men and women having doubts about the church and feeling lost in the world. My daughter is such a good child. She is responsible, trustworthy, intelligent, and such a good friend. What worries me is that I don't know where her testimony stands. She often jokes around when we are having family scripture study or when we talk about spiritual things. I don't know why she feels so uncomfortable when discussing the gospel. I remember hearing this talk and feeling the need to rededicate myself as a parent. I want my children to know that the gospel is important to me, that the scriptures are a spiritual lifeline, that Heavenly Father really does hear and answer our prayers, and that the Savior gave us the greatest gift imaginable with the Atonement. I remember my own mother kneeling beside her bed every night in prayer. I remember the goodness of my Father who was willing to help anyone at any time. I remember faithful Grandparents who had hard lives but held true to their faith. I am thankful for those examples in my life.
