Monday, February 6, 2017

February 7th Reading Assignment

February 7th Reading Assignment
Daily Reading Question

Why do you think there needs to be opposition in all things? 


  1. I've always known the importance of opposition, but today this line stuck out to me in verse 16 and I don't know why I don't ever remember reading it before, it says: "Wherefore, man could not act for himself save it should be that he was enticed by the one or the other." We really couldn't have our agency if there were no good or bad. We must have something to choose between to even have that agency.

  2. There is no purpose in taking a test that you have been given the answers to. Had satan won, and was able to take away our agency, there would be no purpose to this life. Our joys, sorrows and trials are in place to test us; to test if our faith is strong enough. If we could remember past the veil and remember our relationship we had with Heavenly Father before this life, we would never make any mistakes. But that too, has it's purpose. We are strong enough, especially if we know Christ, to make it back to live with Them again--we just need to prove that. We have been given every resource necessary because Heavenly Father would love nothing more than to see each of his children return.

  3. In 2 Nephi 2, Lehi is talking to Jacob specifically after giving some of his last words to his family.
    In the verses before vs 13, it talks about how there needs to be an opposition in ALL things. The fall brought about opposition as part of God's plan.
    Vs thirteen lays out the logical sequence because of opposition! How could we know what it feels like to be happy, successful, forgiven etc if we did not feel at times confused lonely, or disobedient?
    Yet in verse twenty five, from the fall of Adam (and in our lives when we fall from time to time), we are meant to have JOY!
