Friday, February 17, 2017

February 18th Reading Assignment
Daily Reading Question

Jacob spoke against those who worship idols (see verse 37). What are some modern examples of idol worship? Why do you think the devil “delighteth” in idol worship?

Good Talk 

Bonus Talk 



  1. In the talk it spoke on how Idol worship takes our thoughts and minds away from God. One part that stuck out to me is when it stated, " if I take more time choosing what to wear in the morning than on my knees praying, my priorities are not right." I don't take that long getting dressed :) but it do place a lot of time on things that are really not that important. I remember a bishop of mine saying that he and his wife would always read scriptures and pray and do those spiritual things before any recreational or superficial activity as a way to show where their priorities were and to give the most time to those things that truly mattered. I think it is definitely a balance which is something we will always work on. I think it starts in our thoughts so we have to be careful where we allow our mind to go. I truly believe that when we put God first other things really do work out and fall into place. God knows this and wants us to be happy so you can see why this is a commandment!

    1. Great comment! I really needed to hear this! Thank you!

  2. Both talks spoke about giving of our time. This is by far the most difficult thing to do in the church. Giving up personal vacation for Girls Camp, or Trek, or weeknight meetings away from home and family... Tough to do. But at the end of it all, if God is our priority - family will come first. Giving up that personal time is a trade off, for great things the Lord has in store but can only give us after He sees our willingness to sacrifice our most difficult idol. . . (at least this is mine, maybe for others this is the easy one.)

    1. Great point Mark. Time is a hard one for mr too!
