Friday, February 3, 2017

February 4th Reading Assignment

February 4th Reading Assignment
Daily Reading Question
I really liked the introduction to 2nd Nephi in the Seminary Manual.  Here is the link if anyone would like to read it.

Why might a parent’s or a prophet’s final counsel be particularly significant?

What is an example of a great thing the Lord has done for you or your family? Please share what you learned from these verses.


  1. These verses struck me in a different way. The spirit was teaching me something new about Jerusalem and the experiences that Lehi and his family went through.
    In verse five Lehi is saying that through his vision he saw Jerusalem being destroyed and if they had remained they would have perished. Right there I applied myself into Lehis shoes. How many times has the Lord given me promptings to get me out of a not so good situation that Im in, in life so that I will not perish? He has guided me to leave behind my Jerusalem. Why? So that I can be lead to my promised land. His promised blessings are as long as I'm striving to keep the commandments and I will prosper. I know this to be true even though it's not always easy to see how I will be delivered from a Jerusalem like lifestyle full of trials or sins, I will be blessed by following Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ to the best of my abilities!

    1. Thanks Jessica! I loved what you got out of those verses. I did not notice that but what you said is so true. I have had many promptings as well but do not always act on them. I am going to try to be more aware of those promptings. Thanks for sharing what you learned.

    2. You're welcome it was the spirit that was enlightening me! Learning how the spirit speaks to us takes practice.
      In my Book of Mormon class my teacher said something this week that I really liked. He said there are three reasons why we do not receive revelation.
      1. We are too busy
      2. We are too stressed
      3. We are not worthy
      No one is perfect but imagine if Lehi was too busy to listen to the spirit or he got so stressed out from the rebellious people around him, including some of his sons. Im grateful that Lehi was worthy and willing to stop and listen.

  2. I like how in the first few verses Lehi reminds his sons of past blessing from the Lord. Sometimes it is hard to remember past blessings but it is a great way to keep us faithful and strengthen our testimonies. I appreciate the counsel my parents have given me in my life. One of the greatest ways they helped me was through example. I knew the gospel was important to them by the way they lived. I always remember going to church and having family home evening. Their example was a powerful teacher to me. I am so grateful for good parents who taught me how to be obedient. Now that I am a parent I can see that it is easier to tell your children to do something than to actually live the principal you are teaching. I hope I can be a good example to my kids.

    1. AMEN couldn't have said it better! You are such an amazing example for your family, preparing future missionaries :)

  3. I found it interesting that since of the last things Lehi wanted to teach his children were about covenants. He reminded them off all the blessings they had received and then asked them to remember the covenant the Lord has made with them concerning the promised land.

    This teaches me to help my children focus on the blessings that are promised more than just the rules they have to follow.

    1. I was going to share this same sentiment tonight. This year I have been impressed to focus on the promises the Lord gives to those who are faithful in keeping His commandments. Focusing on the promises of the covenants I make makes it easier for me to stay motivated in doing what I know is right and what I have been asked to do. Guilt sucks the life out of my efforts...but focusing on the promised blessings propels me forward and keeps me motivated.

  4. I liked this line in vs 10--it stuck out to me today. "Having power given them to do all things by faith." Heavenly Father gives us so much-and on top of all the tender mercies He gives us "power" to do anything with faith. In reflecting on the second question I was thinking of big examples of my family and myself being blessed--but this line in vs 5 was a reminder to me that "through small and simple things are great things come to pass." A great thing the Lord has blessed me with is faith--more when I need it, and strength to rely on it when I have nothing left.

  5. When I think of my pioneer ancestors that crossed the bitter cold plains with the Martin handcart company, I am reminded that faith was not a was(is) a power. It was that faith filled power and the covenants that burned in their hearts that propelled them forwarded and kept them walking step-by-step to their promised land in the west.
