Monday, February 27, 2017

February 28th Reading Assignment
Daily Reading Question

2 Nephi 22:1–6; Isaiah describes the spirit of worship that people will have during the Millennium. How can we develop that same attitude today?

Good Talk



  1. That same attitude of worship that will be prevalent during the millennium is generally laughed at today and even looked down upon. Elder Packer in his talk spoke of being misinterpreted and misrepresented. . .part of the test we must go through will be to see who can stand those winds of adversity, and have integrity during the moments.
    Isaiah also spoke of Ephraim and Judah forgetting their differences and going to work. Is this as a simple message of forgiveness?

  2. This talk reminds me of D&C 128:22-23 "Brethren, shall we not go on in so great a cause?"

  3. The first line of that talk really hit me today for some reason. I pondered about it and realized how amazing our pioneer heritage is because of those amazing people. Think about what we would be doing. Arrive on 24th, saturday. Sunday, they worship as always. Monday, they go about there work and start building an ensign to the world. They just traveled thousands if grueling miles on FOOT being miserable and how many other issues we can't image, and they get up and go to work. It is inspiring to me to see their examples of true hard work, it didn't end when they got here, in reality it continued if not got harder, but they persevered through it all.
