Tuesday, February 7, 2017

February 8th Reading Assignment

February 8th Reading Assignment
Daily Reading Question
2 Nephi 2:30, Who do you know who has “chosen the good part” like Lehi? In what ways would you like to follow their example?


  1. Through the ups and downs of life it becomes difficult to "choose the good part". I've gone through some very difficult times recently, times that make me wish I could just stay in bed. But I've decided to change my attitude and face my challenges head-on. I think that because of this decision my Heavenly Father is blessing me with the strength that I need to get through these challenges that no longer seem unbearable!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I love how Lehi lays it out so clearly. He obviously sees things as they really are and he gives it to us straight: We are free to choose happiness and eternal life, or we can choose misery and captivity. The choice is ours. I think sometimes we might not realize that when we choose a certain book, or movie, or website, we are choosing misery and captivity. Satan wants us to believe it is not so "black and white". But it really is.

    I love that Lehi was able to look back at his life and say, "I have chosen the good part". I really like that phrase. I think we should look at this on a daily basis. Maybe at the end of the day, maybe while saying our personal prayers, it would be a good time to review the day and ask, "Have I chosen the good part today?"

  4. I really like what Marvin J. Ashton said in the talk today, "The principles of the gospel of Jesus Christ will never change, but environment, circumstances, institutions, and cultural patterns do. Our challenge is to move forward in our present realms with commitment and enthusiasm. We must do our part to progress and enjoy life while we are in the process of meeting our situations.

  5. I really feel the love that Lehi had for his sons in these verses. I also remember reading the last verse in chapter 2 in family scripture study growing up. I was probably in Jr. High. I remember sitting at the table and my mom sharing verse 30 with me and my siblings. She testified that she felt the same way as Lehi, that she cared so much for our choices and the things we were doing that had eternal significance. I remember feeling of her love and feeling the spirit in that brief moment in the morning of scripture study so many years ago. Now, as a mother, I know what she feels. I think that as parents we have to "choose the better part". I wish it was easy! Doing those small things that matter--scripture study, reminding siblings to be kind, praying, wrestling children through church, FHE, temple attendance--all those things are small and may seem insignificant, but by choosing them, we are showing God ad our children what has eternal value.

    1. Thanks for sharing this! I love that you remember family scripture study.

  6. I really feel that it is all about priorities. A couple of months ago I wrote down everything I felt that I should be doing. Reading my scriptures, going to the temple, making dinner, keeping the house clean, visiting neighbors, etc. It was a long overwhelming list. Then I categorized them into different priorty levels. I came up with about 7 different levels. I found that when I started getting stressed, I would be focusing on the lower levels. My top level only has 3 things: listening to the spirit, personal prayer, and personal scripture study. These are my "good parts". If I get nothing else done that day except that, I will still know I've chosen the good part for me.

    1. What a great thought. I feel the same way with my days if I have read the scriptures I have chosen the good part.

  7. Verse 30 has always been one of my favorite scriptures in the Book of Mormon. I'm with Lehi - I have none other object save it be the everlasting welfare of my family's souls. I'm so thankful for a loving Heavenly Father and our Savior, Jesus Christ. The everlasting welfare of each of our souls is their object as well.

    1. Love this! It really is such a great verse.

  8. I have read the assigned reading for today. No comment other than "thank you!"
