Wednesday, March 15, 2017

March 16th Reading Assignment
Daily Reading Question

Just as Jacob is called to teach his people, why is it a blessing to have parents and Church leaders who warn us of sinful attitudes and behaviors?

Daily Talk

Finding Safety in Counsel


  1. I like Jacob's example he gives us in V19 where he says he magnified his office. He took ownership of his calling. I think this is a great reminder for us, not only in our church callings, but in all our responsibilities.

    1. This must be what President Eyring was referring to when he said in this talk, "He knew that the Savior holds responsible those to whom He delegates priesthood keys. With those keys comes the power to give counsel that will show us the way to safety. Those with keys are responsible to warn even when their counsel might not be followed."

  2. I loved this quote from the talk today, "One of the ways we may know that the warning is from the Lord is that the law of witnesses, authorized witnesses, has been invoked. When the words of prophets seem repetitive, that should rivet our attention and fill our hearts with gratitude to live in such a blessed time."

  3. I appreciate the reminder found in verse 17..."I,Jacob, gave unto them these words as I taught them in the temple, having FIRST obtained mine errand from The Lord." As I approach a calling or an assignment I ought to seek the Lords guidance and obtain his message, direction, and vision first before moving forward.

  4. Melissa, I needed this talk from President Eyring. Thank you.
