Friday, March 3, 2017

March 4th Reading Assignment
Daily Reading Question

What does it mean that, because of Jesus Christ, we can be saved by grace after all we can do?

Good Talk 


  1. Christ paid the full price, the entire debt, not just "most of it" and left the last few coins for us. Nephi is teaching here that "all we can do" is to be "reconciled to God" (v23). Our part is to look to Christ for a remission of our sins (v26). To think that because Christ has paid the price in full, therefore we have nothing left to do is simply not true. Nephi also states that if we do not bow down and worship with all our might, mind, and strength, and our whole soul - we are denying Him. He requires action and repentance on our part. Our good works "keeping the performances and ordinances" (v30) are based on faith and draw us and our families near to Christ.

  2. Our stake president just addressed our stake about grace. He reminded us that grace isn't a small piece. It is ALL of it. His grace allows us every opportunity time and time again to get there. We just have to tap into that power.

  3. 2 Nephi 25:23 For we labor diligently to write, to persuade our children, and also our brethren, to believe in Christ, and to be reconciled to God; for we know that it is by grace that we are saved, after all we can do.
    This sounds like another way to say “faith unto repentance.” Faith is the first principle of the gospel for a reason. President Benson said “Faith in the Lord Jesus Christ is the foundation upon which sincere and meaningful repentance must be built. If we truly seek to put away sin, we must first look to Him who is the Author of our salvation.” I think it is easy to focus on ourselves, our short-comings, our bad habits and try to repent and change in and of ourselves. As we “begin to believe” in the Savior and on His holy name, we realize that because of Him, there is hope for all of us-no matter what we have done. He has demonstrated His goodness and His love and His ability to forgive, heal, cleanse, and succor again and again. His grace is sufficient and when we come to know Him, we will trust Him, and it will be our desire to be reconciled to Him and the Father .

  4. Verse 18 stood out to me this time. "...they need not look for a Messiah to come..."
    I spend too much time looking for ways to solve my problems or rather be saved from them, without realizing that Christ has already come and saved me. I need to look to Christ first and always. The Messiah has already come. What I can do is look to God and live.

  5. I remember hearing Brad Wilcox speak last year and he mentioned the word "we" in the phrase "after all we can do" means "me and Jesus Christ." This makes so much more sense than after all I can do THEN Christs atonement will make up for me. I'll never be able to do enough to qualify for His grace. It's a daily, continual process until I die that together with my conciencious efforts AND Jesus Christ's atonement I will one day be saved.
