Thursday, March 9, 2017

March 10th Reading Assignment
Daily Reading Question

After reading  2 Nephi verses 20–22,  ask yourself, Why does Satan use different approaches with different people?

Daily Talk

Constant Truths for Changing Times 


  1. Answer to the question: Because he hates us wants to destroy us! Sounds mean and horrible, but it's the truth and it's vital that we understand how vile and evil he is. He hates us.... he wants us to lose and he does this by exploiting our weaknesses. Let me share an example that helps me understand this principle.

    My friend and I had the last two weeks of the year off from work for Christmas break, so we decided to play pickleball. Pickleball is basically smaller scale tennis with a plastic wiffleball and hard paddles. We played just about every day. Sometimes for up to 3 hours.

    We had some epic battles. Think Rocky Balboa vs. Apollo Creed…. We played so much together that….. (put your spiritual ears on)…. Thru a pattern of my behavior, he picked up where I was vulnerable. What my weaknesses were.

    My major weakness was my backhand! So, what did he do to my weakness – TRIED TO EXPLOIT IT! He wasn’t about to lob me nice soft shots to my forehand! He relentlessly attacked where I was vulnerable. If I was lazy with my court position he’d make me pay for it.

    I had to be alert, precise, and definitive in my approach or else I would be in trouble. I had to know my opponent.

    Likewise, Satan knows our weaknesses, he knows when our guard is down, and it is at that point that he attacks. I don’t think we should dwell on his power, but it is critical that we are very aware of his tactics so that we can avoid his influence.

    1. Awesome thoughts today. Thanks for taking the time to share. (p.s. if you are ever looking for someone to play tennis with my husband loves to play!)

  2. In verses 20-22 we learn the tactic Satan uses.

    1. Stirs them up to anger against that which is good: This tactic reminded me of the scripture we read a few days back. "Wo unto them that call evil good, and good evil, that put darkness for light, and light for darkness, that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter." (2 Ne 15:20) Satan stirs our hearts up to anger, or frustration, or criticism against the commandments, prophetic counsel, and direction from our local leaders.

    2. Others will he pacify: the footnotes use the word "apathy" to define pacify. To be apathetic means to have a lack of interest towards things of importance or a lack of emotion or feeling of impassiveness. (online dicitionary) Satan tempts us to just not care or shrug our shoulders to the counsel of prophets and to the commandments of God.

    3. Others he flattereth away: He uses flattery to make us feel there are no consequences for our actions and keep us distracted from those things of importance.

    Sister Beck came and spoke to our stake several years ago and she discussed these tactics and then lead us to Alma chapter 48 where we find the antidote. Amalickiah was wicked and sought to obtain power through deceit and fraud. He had hardened the hearts of the Lamanites, blinded their minds, and stirred them to anger against the Nephites. While the wicked Amalickiah was gathering his army Moroni was preparing his people.

    1. (vs.7) Moroni on the hand had been preparing the minds of the people to be faithful to the Lord their God. If we are going to withstand the temptations of Satan we have to prepare our minds to the things of God.

    2. (vs.8) He had been strengthening the armies of the Nephites, and erecting small forts, or places of resort. We need to strengthen our homes (small forts) through FHE, prayer, scripture study, church and temple attendance, etc.. We need to strengthen our places of resort (church) by serving faithfully and blessing those we have stewardship over.

    3. (vs.9) And in their weakest fortifications he did place the greater numbers of men. We need to identify those places we, our families, and those whom we have stewardship over are weak. Then we must strengthen and rescue those who need our help.

    It is amazing to me that although Moroni and his people were battling wickedness they experienced happiness, "But behold there never was a happier time among the people of Nephi, since the days of Nephi, than in the days of Moroni." (Alma 50:23) Evil is all around us and Satan is working so hard on each of us using diverse methods, but we can succeed and be happy.

    1. Excellent comment!! Thanks for sharing.

  3. There are so many ways to be evil, but just one way to follow God!
