Friday, March 17, 2017

March 18th Reading Assignment
Daily Reading Question

How can seeking the kingdom of God and obtaining a hope in Christ influence our attitudes toward wealth and material possessions?

Daily Talk

What the Scriptures say about Pursuit of Wealth



  1. I like what President David O. McKay said to be cautious regarding that which we seek. "Though we may obtain almost anything we work for, it may come at a high price: “What seek ye first? What do you cherish as the dominant, the uppermost thought in your mind? What this is will largely determine your destiny. … You may win in this world almost anything for which you strive. If you work for wealth, you can get it, but before you make it an end in itself, take a look at those men who have sacrificed all to the accomplishment of this purpose, at those who have desired wealth for the sake of wealth itself. Gold does not corrupt man; it is in the motive of acquiring that gold that corruption occurs”

  2. From yesterday and today's reading what stood out to me was the prophetic counsel of Jacob. He tells them that they have been pretty obedient so far, but that through the power of God, he knows their thoughts. And that they are "beginning to labor in sin". It is a warning of what is to come if they continue the path they are on. In this case it was starting to seek for more riches and thinking their wealth made them better than others. It makes me think about all the prophetic warnings I have heard in past conferences. And makes me want to prepare myself to hear what warning I need in April conference.

    Also, one of my favorite verses is 17-Think of your brethren like unto yourselves and be familiar with all and free with your substance..." Think of all the problems this would solve if we could all do this all the time! Especially loneliness and poverty.
