Wednesday, March 8, 2017

March 9th Reading Assignment
Daily Reading Question

In what ways do pride and false teachings influence people?

Daily Talk

Are ye stripped of Pride


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Thank you for that talk! Those questions he asks about pride are excellent. It is a good to ask yourself those questions and see where you are at concerning pride.

  3. So I came across this talk about 5 years ago on iTunes and loved it so much I took notes. It really is a great talk that helped me change. The questions Sarah references above are as follows:
    Red Flags of Pride
    1. Do you find yourself critiquing the sacrament talks?
    2. Are you critical of others?
    3. Do you look down on others?
    4. Do you scorn or ridicule them?
    5. When adversity strikes, do you hear a voice inside that says, “Why me?”
    6. Do you react to prophetic counsel by ignoring it, or being upset by it, or interpreting it to suit your own desires?
    7. When you do something good, do you hear a voice inside congratulating yourself?
    8. Do you feel self-gratification in your knowledge and skill?
    9. If someone you know receives something good, do you hear a voice inside saying, “What about me?”
    10. Do you find ways of letting others know of your success without appearing to boast?
    11. If someone corrects a mistake you made, do you feel defensive and resentful?
    12. When someone does something that creates inconvenience for you do you feel annoyed?

    He then goes on to say that if we feel any of these, they are the beginning of pride!

    Luckily there is a way to remove pride. He recommends steps:
    1. Never do anything to drive the Spirit away. It is very sensitive to any degree of unrighteousness. Don’t do anything, or wear anything, or say anything, or read anything, or listen to anything, or watch anything, or go anywhere that would drive the Spirit away.
    2. Don’t let the world get into your heart. Never set your heart on things: on money, houses, cars, or clothes. Don’t let a career or power or honors of men get into your heart. They can get there very easily. Set your heart on the Lord, on your family, the Temple, the things of eternity.
    3. Serve the Lord. Accept and magnify all callings in the church. Volunteer.
    4. Stand in Holy Places. Make your home a sacred, holy place, where the Spirit can dwell. Be in the chapel to partake of the sacrament every Sunday. Go to the temple often.

    I've found this to be soooo true and am thankful for the reminder as pride is something we always have to beware of.

  4. I love this Maury! What an excellent reminder. I so appreciate your comments! They are always so insightful and right to the point. Thank you!

  5. The talk did not come up on my iPad, just a directory of other talks.
