Monday, January 9, 2017

January 10th Reading Assignment

January 10th Reading Assignment
Daily Reading Question

How can we avoid the "mists of darkness" and cling to the Iron Rod?
Note: Please share anything that stuck out to you in these verses. 

Good Talk

2nd Good Talk


  1. Love the talks. I like how Bro. Wirthlin talked about one foot in front of the other. The only way to hold to the rod is to do it. I have often been grateful for and finally had the chance to thank a former Sunday school teacher who taught me about habits 21 says to make 3 says to break. Life gets crazy but I found if I don't let myself miss more than one day in a row and then make it up the next day timewise, I don't become discouraged and I am able to stick to my goal. It works! I also think gratitude plays a huge factor. I convinced those who partook of the fruit and then fell away did so because of ingratitude. We have to be grateful and look for the blessings we are receiving by our faithfulness in daily reading. There are too many if we pay attention. We should acknowledge them in prayer and pray for.better.capacity to see them. Third, we need to ponder not just read. Apply, not just agree they are good counsel. Do not even the hypocrites the same. I love the scriptures and Elder Hollands talk safety for the soul has given me much more spiritual confidence that my.Heavenly Father is pleased with my efforts and daily sending me protection as a hold to the rod. Happy Reading!

    1. Great comments! Love the concept of spiritual confidence. Also, I'd like to hear more about this 21and 3 thing. Can you explain?

    2. I think she means that it takes 21 days to make a good habit but only three days to break that habit :)

  2. Also Lehi prays before he sees the rod. Our scripture reading will be more advantageous if it is preceeded by A.D. accompanied by lots of prayer.

  3. V23 is kind of scary! It describes the mist as an "exceedingly great mist of darkness". Don't be mistaken, this is not a little fog. It's a huge, thick, dark mist. In Revelation 12:9 it states that Satan and all his angels were cast out of heaven. Where were they cast to? Right here on this earth. While we shouldn't dwell on his strength, we should be aware of our enemy so we can realize how critical it is to cling to the rod.

    We each have our own formulas to do this. Let me share what's worked for me. Besides the basics of church and temple attendance, FHE, home-teaching, etc.; I've found 3 personal spiritual goals that have helped keep me on the path:
    1. Sincere Prayer 2 times a day
    2. Study BOM at least 15 minutes per day - I have a strong testimony of Pres. Benson's BOM promise that this gives us a power to resist temptation.
    3. Feel the Spirit at least once a day. If I feel that sweet, warm feeling at least once a day, it has a calming and sustaining influence on my day and I have no desire for the stupid things of this world.

    Also, the talk today is an all-time great! This blog has been the best way I've EVER studied the scriptures. I love all of the inspired comments and the supplemental talks are amazing. Thank you Meliss!!!!

  4. I had three thoughts while reading this morning.
    1. There is no way to go around the mist. It just "arose" so we must grab the iron rod. And I liked Elder Wirthlins example of Joseph Smith's mist of darkness seeking the correct church and then grabbing onto James 1:5.
    2. I think it is easier to not be ashamed by the mockers of the world if we are partaking the fruit with others. Whether that is my own family or helping new members.
    3. I liked the very last verse - after Lehi had preachef and prophesied to his children, he asked them to keep the commandments. Then he ceased speaking with them. I don't imagine that means he began to ignore them. More that as a parent I should teach my children and try to help them feel the spirit. Then I should be clear on my expectations and encourage them to obey. But, that is the end of what I can do. I cannot force my children to obey and no amount of cajoling or whining, or pleading will change that. Just teaching, loving, showing the way.

    1. I like the concept of obedience easier with others. Teaching our children how to.make good friends is one of the most important things we can do and practice ourselves.

  5. I loved the talk that went with the reading today! It reminds me of a talk from the October 2011 Ensign by Elder Bednar, "Lehis dream holding fast to the rod."
    I invite everyone to read it! Another great thing is that this talk comes from the Ensign that specifically focuses on the Book of Mormon, so another reference to have along with the reading from the blog.

  6. I loved this comment from Sherry on instagram used with her permission. "I love when my daily living experience is reflective of our current scripture reading! We are experiencing some bad inversion weather right now which is making our visibility and air quality very poor. This inversion is no respecter of persons; it is covering all people just like the mists of darkness in the BoM. On bad inversion days, we are warned not to go out if we can avoid it and to not participate in outside activities as the air quality can make it difficult to breath. The lack of visibility causes people to become confused on the roads and the amount of vehicle accidents increases. When I have to leave my home and drive somewhere, I stick to familiar roads that I have already traveled often, aligning my vehicle to the continuous white line, painted on the right side of the road. If we desire to feel and see the sun, we must carefully navigate thru the inversion, using all the afore mentioned techniques, until we have reached a higher elevation above the inversion Likewise in our spiritual lives, we should avoid mists of darkness if possible but when it comes upon us, as it surely will, even while we are holding tightly to the rod, we must not fear or let go The darkness that we are required to go thru may be difficult, so difficult that we might find it hard to hang on, to be able to see clearly or breath freely. We must keep moving forward, staying true to the familiar teachings we have been taught, not deviating, with our sights and actions aligned continuously with His and though the journey may seem strenuous and long we have hope knowing that we too will rise to a higher elevation where we will again see the Son.

  7. Today I had to climb a tower for work. I had to move from one end to the other across a 4 inch steel pipe. I had to take a big step across and could only hold one hand on another pipe. I was a little high in the air and didn't feel like falling so I made sure that my hand was on there nice and tight! As I read this and specifically saw "clinging" it made me think of that moment at work. Sometimes I think I can get by with barely touching the rod I guess, but this made me realize that I can't have a read scriptures as I'm falling asleep attitude. Our spiritual lives are dependent on how well we are "clinging" to the rod.

    1. Awesome comment! You're right about the word "clinging". That adds a lot of meaning to the scripture.

  8. I love how in verse 30 it says, "and they did press their way forward, continually holding fast to the rod of iron." The
    word continually stood out to me. To me that means that they were always trying to do what was right, not just when
    it was convenient or only on Sunday. That is a good model for me to try to be continually holding to the iron rod
    not just when it is convenient for me. In verse 33 how, "they did point the finger of scorn and they heeded them not."
    I think this is a great lesson to teach our children how to deal with peer pressure.

    1. Melissa, you make a great point about doing things that may not be convenient and partake of the gospel each day, not just on Sunday. That's why I think things such as this are so beneficial if you put in the work and do it for good reasons.

  9. I think you have to truly believe in the spirit and the gospel, not just belong to the religion and do things that are asked of you or suggested to you. However the only way to really know if you believe it and strengthen your testimony is to partake of the gospel's blessings such as the scriptures and discussions, even then though you have to really do it for you and want to gain something from it, not just do it because it's popular or the right thing to do.

  10. I went to a funeral today of my eighteen year old was heartbreaking. So here is this unimaginably difficult thing and his parents stood and talked with compassion and faith and love. I felt like they were giving us such a service during their most difficult hour and i know it is because of their faith in Jesus Christ and their ability to cling to the rod in this mist of darkness. Watching them encompassed the beauty of the gospel for me and i am so thankful for that. I am thankful for all the above comments of faith and love and for a willingness to cling to the rod and to share your knowledge with me. I am thankful for a loving a heavenly father that gave us the rod and a savior and every possible safety net so that we can return to him someday..."one step at a time."

  11. I also love the word cling and the imagery that it gives to me. Clinging doesn't only mean to hold tightly, but hold on no matter what.

  12. Verse 30 also emphasizes they Continually held fast to the rod of iron until they came forth and FELL DOWN and then partook of the fruit. I imagine they were clinging with all their might and were exhausted and fell down as if to to say, "at last we've made it!" I can relate. Fighting the midst of darkness takes physical and emotional and spiritual strength. My patriarchal blessing admonishes me to cling physically and spiritually to the iron rod or the word of God and to be faithful. These faithful people in Lehi's dream help me to visualize what that really looks like.

    1. I love how Suzanne and Jaisey both talked about the word cling. Good points to remember.

  13. The question is posed, "How can we avoid the mists of darkness and cling to the rod". I am convinced that we can't avoid the mists of darkness, we can only choose to cling to the rod when the mists do arise. I am struck that mists of darkness cover our view of the tree. Just like trying to drive in fog, your line of sight is shortened and you are so easily disoriented. You can't see very far in front of you and you need the lines on the road or the reflectors to keep you on the road. It takes faith that the tree is still there. It takes actively striving to remember why you were so motivated to get to the tree in the first place. As the mists get thicker and swirl around us, clinging to the rod (not just casually holding on to it) is what keeps us from getting totally disoriented.

    1. Love your comment today!! It really made a lot of sense to me. Thanks for sharing.

  14. Plain and simple for me it's to attend the temple as often as I can. There is no other place I'd rather be than in the temple especially when I am struggling in my life. This is a place that I feel so close to my Heavenly Father and my Savior who hears and answers my prayers and blesses me with so many tender mercies. I have an earthly family and my family beyond the veil that is depending on me and I know this is the place I need to be to avoid the "midst of darkness" and to help my family come unto Christ and to always have His spirit to be with me so that I will always have the desire to hold fast to the iron rod.

  15. I am amazed at the depth of the BOM. I'm not sure how many times I've read these verses and, still new things jump out at me. If you read V30 carefully, Nephi uses a couple phrases to show us how difficult this life is, even for the believers who were clinging to the rod.

    It says in V30, "they did PRESS their way forward". It doesn't say, "they strolled along casually." They were pressing forward, working hard, continually holding fast to the rod. The other phrase that hit home to me today was that when they got to the tree, they "fell down". Were they so exhausted from fighting through the thick mist of darkness that they collapsed at the end? Is this how it will be when we have finished our fight in this earthly test?

    For me, this adds peace to my life. Knowing that this life is not supposed to be easy. We are supposed to struggle and fight temptation and negativity every day. This is not supposed to be easy. But it will be totally worth it.

  16. What stood out to me was the word continually. To me that means reading the scriptures every day, having regular scripture study and prayer with our families. Having family home evening every week. Going to the temple as often as we can. Attending our church meetings every week. Magnifying our callings. It means doing all of the small and simple things every day. I like the quote by President Hinckley when he talked bout how when he is not reading the scriptures regularly he feels far away from the spirit and Heavenly Father, but as he reads every day he feels himself draw nearer to them. This life takes effort. We cannot avoid the mists of darkness but if we are doing what has been asked of us continually we will have the strength and power to press through the mists and keep our eye on the tree and our eternal goal. How thankful I am for the scriptures and for this guide that will help bring me back to my Heavenly Father and Savior.
