Sunday, January 22, 2017

January 23rd Reading Assignment

January 23rd Reading Assignment
Daily Reading Question

What are some guides in our lives that, like the Liahona, work according to our faith and diligence?

 Good Talk

Bonus Talk



  1. Thank you for the talk from Elder Monson.

    He has reminded each of us that we have our own Liahona ♥️

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    2. My patriarchal blessing really has been my liahona in my life. It has helped me so much and has had new meaning at different stages in my life.

  2. The very personal instruction we receive each time we attend church meetings, study, or listen to conference are some of the greatest guides, they only work according to the diligence and heed we give them.

    1. I think there are a lot of things that only "work" when we are being obedient. For example, the absolute best, most spiritual experience I've had with conference, happened when I watched confernce in the MTC. I had pages of notes, I felt every talk was directed to me - it was so powerful! I thought, "Wow, these speakers really 'brought it' this time!"

      Was that session just a particularly amazing session? No, it wasn't conference that was different, it was me. The state of my spirituality was higher at that moment. I was better prepared to hear and learn from the talks.

    2. Agree Mark! anything can be a guide from God, even music or rain. The other day, I was listening to Katherine Nelson "sometimes he let's it rain"and it was a message from God when I needed it. I recently moved to Juneau Alaska where it rains more than anywhere in the country and I remind myself that rain is a cleansing for us and the earth to help us be pure.

  3. I liked what David A Bednar said in the talk today, "In our day the Book of Mormon is the primary source to which we should turn for help in learning how to invite the constant companionship of the Holy Ghost. The description in the Book of Mormon of the Liahona, the director or compass used by Lehi and his family in their journey in the wilderness, specifically was included in the record as a type and a shadow for our day and as an essential lesson about what we should do to enjoy the blessings of the Holy Ghost.

    As we strive to align our attitudes and actions with righteousness, then the Holy Ghost becomes for us today what the Liahona was for Lehi and his family in their day. The very factors that caused the Liahona to work for Lehi will likewise invite the Holy Ghost into our lives. And the very factors that caused the Liahona not to work anciently will likewise cause us to withdraw ourselves from the Holy Ghost today."

  4. These are such good verses. So many things stuck out to me. I have been especially interested in the fact that even though lehi and his family are doing what God has asked them He doesn't make it perfectly easy, bows break, feelings are strong...but He does prepare a way to get them through it and to guide them. It also struck me how the liahona didn't stop working because they were committing major sin, it was bickering and hard reminds me to not allow contention in my home from me and too have a soft teachable heart that is open to the spirit. And then the part where it states that they all rejoiced and repented once Nephi had slain food for them, i wonder how often i murmur and complain when things aren't going my way and then when something does i am willing to rejoice and repent, i hope to be less like that And more like nephi who instead of complaining made a new bow and prayed where to go to find food.

    1. I love this comment Jana. I can relate as a mom, I feel like when I'm trying so hard then I shouldn't be tired or lose my wallet or have the printer run out of ink when something needs to be signed right then or have someone's lost shoe ( can you tell my list could go on for a while?!)
      But, that's all just reality! Just like a broken bow, our lives are full of obstacles, big and small. But, as we learn to roll with the punches. & still work hard we

  5. Pt 2
    We can see the hand of The Lord in our life & we can appreciate the many blessings He gives us.

  6. I wondered what I should be doing better to have the Spirit with me personally I am hoping to be more cognizant of why I am doing things and if I really have others in mind.

  7. I really liked verse 29:

    29 And there was also written upon them a new writing, which was plain to be read, which did give us understanding concerning the ways of the Lord; and it was written and changed from time to time, according to the faith and diligence which we gave unto it. And thus we see that by small means the Lord can bring about great things.

    The new writings changed according to their faith and diligence to that which they had received. I have seen that to be true in my life that The Lord will give me more understanding and direction when I'm being faithful in following the directions I've already received.

  8. I appreciated the example of Nephi in verse 23. Even though Lehi was struggling Nephi goes to his father and asks where to find food. He was honoring his father and his priesthood leader. Our parents and church leaders aren't perfect and may even have weak moments. We too can honor our parents and church leaders by turning to them for counsel and advice, do what they ask us to do, and help to ease their burden by acting in faith to help our brothers and sisters obtain the spiritual food they need to survive. Like Nephi, we are blessed and the "lord is with us (verse 39)" when we act in small and meaningful ways. (verse 29)

  9. Prayer...I have a strong testimony of it! One of my first testimony builders came when I was a teenager. My dad was serving in the Army and got stationed in California. Right away I made lots of friends and I just absolutely loved the people and the weather and I was supposed to graduate there and things were going great in my life. Then 9 months later, my dad got orders that we were moving to Germany and boy was I not happy! In fact I had a really bad attitude and was determined to not like our new home. The people were different, the food was weird, the weather wasn't sunny like California and the worst part of it all was there were no youth! It was just me and my brother in this tiny little branch. I cried and cried for the first several months we were there and was pretty bitter about the whole situation. I remember my mom one day saying, why don't you pray about it. Instead of feeling sorry for yourself, do something about it and ask the lord to help you. And so I did. I prayed that the lord would send more youth to our area, that I was so lonely in this foreign land and begged him to please send youth and that if he did that I would have a better attitude and do anything He asked. I'm here to tell you that the lord does hear and answer our prayers if we only ask and have faith. By the time I graduated high school, we had over 25 youth in our branch. And not only that but the lord placed my future husband in my path and I was introduced to him and 11 years later we were married. We also had the opportunity to convert a young man as a youth group and all of this because of the power of prayer. Nephi has always been a good example to me and I love how in these verses, when he breaks his bow he doesn't just sit around murmuring and feeling sorry the himself but he inquires of the lord and does something about it.
