Friday, January 13, 2017

January 14th Reading Assignment

Daily Reading Question 

Why do you think the fall of the great and spacious building will be "exceedingly great"?

Lehi's Dream


  1. I loved this comment by houseofhappy used with permission. I think the fall of the great and spacious building will be exceedingly great, because so many people will be there that we never expected. In today's world, in between the lines of black and white, there is a huge grey category. Lots of people live in the grey. As a society, it is not the popular thing to be black or white. Grey is the social norm. With our terms of "yolo" and "you do you, and I'll do me." We are not our brothers keepers. We turn to the grey line ourselves. God is not grey. Instead of being a beacon of love, yet at the same time, standing for we believe, some have became too politically correct in a society of fading morals and values. These people in the grey area are not walking towards the tree of life. They are surrounding the great and spacious building. I think it will be a greater fall then we can comprehend. That's why we need to forfeit ourselves everyday, through as many little things as we can. Not grumbling. Supporting and talking kindly of our church leaders, magnifying our callings, not letting pride into our hearts and becoming in the grey category ourselves.

  2. Thank you for posting this talk. I needed to hear it.
