Sunday, January 8, 2017

January 9th Reading Assignment

January 9th Reading Assignment
Daily Reading Question
With such limited space on the plates, what is it about this dream that caused Nephi to include it in the record?

Good Talk


  1. We learn a lot from Nephi in V17 and V21. In V17, he sets the pattern for how we should pray for things we desire.
    1. He has faith in Christ
    2. He asks, not tells, not makes a deal with, but humbly asks the Lord for his righteous desire.
    3. He has a plan how to accomplish his righteous desires as he asks specifically for “strength that I may burst these bands”.
    Too often our prayers are more like demands, or trade propositions with the Lord. Nephi shows us how to do it.
    In V21, I find it amazing that after all Laman and Lemuel did to him, over and over, a lifetime of abuse, it says he did “frankly forgive them ALL that they had done”. What an unbelievable example of humility and faith Nephi is for us.

    1. Like Maury verse 21 really stood out to me. I think there is such a power in forgiveness. There have been times in my life when I have held onto anger and not been forvgiving. It was not a good place to be. I have found when I can truly forgive someone there is such a peace that comes into my life. I love the quote by Buddah that says,"holding onto anger is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die." I hope I can follow Nephis example of being so forgiving when others have done something to hurt me

    2. I like how you point out he doesn't try to make a deal with The Lord to have his prayer answered. To me that shows Nephi understands his relationship to God.

    3. Excellent points. Good insights. Maybe one other subtle lesson here is the way the Lord answered Nephi' s prayer. He didn't grant Nephi strength to 'burst' the bonds, but He did loosen them enough that Nephi could do the rest. Sometimes, there is a more simple way. I can picture Nephi struggling against the ropes after this prayer in an effort to burst them, then before giving up hope because he couldn't do it...he realizes they are a bit looser than they were before.

    4. I like the subtle lesson you pointed out. Thanks!!

  2. I also loved Nephis prayer to Heavenly Father! He was so sincere and had such great faith that he knew if he asked specifically God would deliever. Too often I have wrote prayers that aren't genuine or specific enough to show God how much I truly do care. These scriptures today reminded me that this is God's Plan for us. He wants us to build a relationship with him so when we might be in the dark and dreary wilderness we know which steps to take to get back on the path to eternal life. It is our choice, it always has been, where we end up!

  3. I don't know exactly why nephi chose to put this dream in but i am so thankful he did. Something that stood out to me today was that even though lehi was righteous and seeking to get to the tree he still had to go through the darkness...he had to hold to the rod and pray. I feel like this is so helpful to me right now, we all have to go through hard things for there is opposition in all things but God has provided a rod for us to cling to and if we continue to hold on he will be our light in the wilderness, he will make weak things become strong and He will make our burdens light. As hard as trials are, i cling most tightly to the rod when I'm passing through them and gain so much more understanding and compassion while traveling through darkness and for that i am grateful.

    1. It is interesting to see the things that jump out at you in the scriptures depending on what's going on in your life. Not surprising that this is what hit you. I'm so sorry for all you have to go through but I'm thankful my nephews have you as a mom!

    2. Thanks maury.. I'm thankful for Melissa for doing this, it is awesome. Your comments are really insightful, Mel and i were talking the other day how we love to read them so thanks for your example.

  4. I loved what is stated in chapter 8 vs 14-15. Nephi, Sam, and Sariah looked like they didn't know where to go. After being beckoned by Lehi did they realize where they should go. And they listened. And they followed the prophet. I loved the talk by Elder Cook today. I loved what he said about the importance of reading the scriptures to stay on course and the power of prayer. I know that when we don't know where to go or are feeling confused or lost, the prophet, and the scriptures and turning to our Heavenly Father in prayer are what will undoubtedly get us on course. Also, to Nephi and Sam he was not just a prophet. He was their parent. I realize more everyday how completely crucial and critical my daily habits of righteousness play a part in how I parent. I need to "cling" to the scriptures, to my relationship with God through prayer, and heed the prophets council so I am showing my children and leading them to where they should go.

    1. I appreciate this comment. Lehi states that he called out to his family when saw they didn't know where to go. As parents, we have a great responsibility to show them which way to go. Lehi was already there, they just had to choose to follow. He also 'beckons' to them. After reading this I feel a greater sense of urgency to make sure I am teaching my children where to go to find the Fruit that is the source of greatest joy.

  5. I don't believe it was coincidence that Lehi received this vision recently after receiving the Brass Plates. They had obtained their iron rod and may

  6. Not easy commenting on my phone...they had obtain their iron rod and May have lacked understanding on the full value of the plates. Nephi including the vision in his writings because The Lord knew we would need the same lesson that when we hold to the rod, we will be able to partake of the fruit and be filled with Gods love.

  7. I think that Nephi understood Gods plan for families and knew that this dream in many ways illustrates His eternal plan.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Grateful for the example of forgiveness Nephi shows to his brothers time and time again. Satan is real and is doing everything he can to break up families but instead of being angry and holding a grudge against his brothers, Nephi forgave them for all that they had done to him. I love the dream and glad it was included to remind us how we need hold fast to the iron rod and partake of the fruit which is the love of God and the blessings we can receive through the Atonement of Jesus Christ and remain true and faithful.

  10. I just found this blog yesterday, and what a blessing this is in my life already! I have always struggled with scripture study, but this makes it so enjoyable and easier for me to understand. I love hearing the talks every day to go along with what I just read. Thank you!!!!
