Monday, January 2, 2017

January 3rd Reading Assignment

1st Nephi 2:16-3:8

Daily Reading Question

What can we learn
from Nephi's obedience?

Daily Talk

Obedience Brings Blessings


  1. I love Nephi and the obedience he shows. President Ezra Taft Benson said, “Regardless of our age and stage in life, daily obedience to gospel principles is the only sure way to eternal happiness. President Ezra Taft Benson put it most poignantly when he said, ‘When obedience ceases to be an irritant and becomes our quest, in that moment God will endow us with power’” I love those quotes from President Benson. I know there is such a power in being obedient. 

  2. I love Nephi's simplicity of following the Lord and his father. He has no questions, no reserves, he willingly and obediently does as he is commanded to do. As we are obedient to the commandments it may not always be "easy" but we know that it will always be worth it! The Lord promises Nephi that he will be made a ruler and a teacher if he keeps the commandments in verse 22. We too are made rulers and teachers in our own lives as we are obedient to the commandments. We are the example, we are the leader, and we are the role model for the church today. I must be mindful of the decisions/choices I make because it isn't only effecting me, but those who look to me or follow my example will be effected as well. I will go and I will do the things the Lord hath commanded!

  3. Threre is a common theme with the prophets. They all have a "quiet confidence" that comes from knowing that they are doing the right thing. I've noticed when I'm living how I should I'm blessed with confidence in all aspects of my life.

  4. Preach my Gospel in section 6, "how do I develop Christlike attributes?" Elder L. Tom Perry says, “The discipline contained in daily obedience and clean living and wholesome lives builds an armor around you of protection and safety from the temptations that beset you as you proceed through mortality.”
    Righteousness always attracts opposition and Nephi is going see more opposition come from his brothers and others against him. As that quote promises, every day when we are obedient, we are building up armor to protect us from temptations. Obedience won't make life easy but it will help us endure the spiritual battle that we face every day!

  5. I think it is cool that Nephi was prepared by the Lord to be obedient to the command Lehi received to have his sons return and get the plates. In chapter 3:1, it says Nephi returned to his father's tent from speaking with the Lord (who told Nephi if he would keep the commandments, he would prosper 2:20). Nephi was probably heading to his father's tent because he was excited to tell his dad what he'd learned from the Lord. Perfect timing for Lehi to tell Nephi that the Lord had commanded him to go get the plates in Jerusalem. It seems like that was how the Lord prepared a way for Lehi to accomplish the thing that he had been commanded.

    1. That stood out to me as I read, too. It made me think that I need to be preparing spiritually so I can be ready for whatever trials or challenges may be coming next ... So I can face them with little to no murmuring!

  6. Obedience is putting the Lord's will first & we can only know what that is through the Spirit thus the need for obedience to be worthy of that constant companionship. We can't know what that is if we're "cut off" like Laman & Lemuel. Willingness is a main ingredient of success in life, success in relationships, etc. willing to work, willing to listen, willing to go and do. The Lord needs us to be willing people.

  7. Nephi took ownership for gaining a personal witness that his father (the Prophet) was leading him in the right direction. He didn't make it about his father, instead he was wise enough to recognize that he needed a witness of the Spirit that he should do certain things. When that witness came, he consistently obeyed. Laman and Lemuel went along with the decisions Lehi made, but without a witness that God was at the helm (and that witness surely would have needed to be continually renewed along the way) they stumbled and blamed Lehi when things got difficult or didn't go smoothly. As I parent, I need to be sure my kids understand that I am simply asking them to do what God has commanded (love one another, be honest, be obedient etc) and that it's not about me. If done lovingly, it gives our kids a greater connection and accountability to God rather than just to their parents.

    1. Thanks for sharing this! I love how you tied this into parenting. I didn't know you lived by Suzanne, she really is the best!!

  8. I love how Nephi went to the Lord in prayer to ask what he should do. Often times we make our own decisions without involving the lord and then have to suffer the consequences but when we include the lord in every part of our life and then are obedient, we are blessed beyond our comprehension. I look up to Nephi so much with his "go and do" attitude, no questions asked and perfect faith in the lord to obey ALL His commandments even when they are hard but it is so worth it! I'm striving to be a "Nephi" every day and know that obedience will bring me complete happiness!

  9. I really loved all these comments...the comment about how we need to help our children understand that being kind and obedient is really about who God expects them to be. I really think the tone of that changes everything, it puts into perspective that we all need to gain a relationship with our Heavenly Father so we can understand who he expects us to be and wants us to do. Being obedient allows us to be worthy of his guidance and to receive revelation which will tell us all things He would have us do.

  10. * The Lord won't give us any commandment to obey without first preparing a way for us to be obedient to it.
    * obedience is trusting in God
    * we are favored by God when we don't complain..sustain our church leaders
    * we need our own witness, like Nephi, it will help us to remain faithful and committed to God
    * like Nephi, we ought to pray for those who don't accept the truth
    * the theme of the Book Of Mormon is introduced...when we keep the commandments we prosper"

  11. vs 19 says--Blessed art thou, Nephi, because of thy faith, for thou hast sought me diligently, with lowliness of heart.
    Faith is the first principle of the gospel for a reason. Nephi teaches us about faithful obedience--notice that faith comes first. I believe that Laman and Lemuel demonstrated fearful obedience (often accompanied by kicking, screaming, and murmuring) . How did Nephi obtain his faith? vs. 19 gives us some insight---by humbly and diligently seeking God and the Savior. With faith in the Savior and a knowledge of God’s goodness--Nephi was able to trust and obey ALL of God’s commands.

  12. I love how Nephi never doubts and his faith never wavers. He immediately follows and does what is asked of him. I think we need to have more faith and trust in our Heavenly Father that he has a plan for us and that when we are obedient to him we will be blessed. Too often I think we doubt first instead of relying on our faith. I love this talk by President Monson. Obedience is not always an easy choice but it is so key in our lives. Through obedience we will be blessed with knowledge, increased faith, stronger testimonies, stronger relationships, and more hope.

  13. I found verses 3-5 in chapter 2 insightful today. The Lord delivers his commands to Lehi, the patriarch, that his sons should return to Jerusalem. Verse 2 speaks to the "what" of the command, "the Lord hath commanded me that thou and thy brethren should return to Jerusalem." Verse 3 speaks to the "why" of the command, "Laban hath the record of the jews and also a genealogy of forefathers." Verse 4 speaks to the "who" of the command, "the Lord hath commanded me that thou and thy brothers should go unto the house of Laban." This is such a familiar pattern in our lives today. The Lord gives His commandments to our priesthood leaders (ie: prophets, bishops, auxiliary leaders, fathers, etc..). He will often give the "what" we should do, the "why" we should do it, and "who" should be involved (although not always the why), but he rarely gives us the "how" we should do something...he leaves that part up to us. We are each unique and our individual circumstances different, and the way in which we choose to carry out His desires for us is left for us to use our best ideas, personal experiences, and wisdom. I believe He desires we walk by faith and pray to Him for guidance. The key to accomplishing His commands for our life is through obedience. When we walk by faith in obedience to the commandments, we are promised "the Lord giveth no commandments unto the children of men, save He shall "prepare a way for them" to accomplish the thing which he commandeth them." He will help each of us, individually, as families, as wards, stakes, etc.. "how" to accomplish whatever it is he needs us to do.

  14. I loved the story in President Monson's talk of the German home teacher who went to Hungary to fulfill his home teaching assignment! I also loved that the man they visited presented them with his tithing he had saved for many years. It made me think about my own faithfulness and obedience...I can be better!

  15. Just finished my reading. I love Nephi and his faith. It helps me to have faith when I am not sure of myself. I know that Heavenly Father will be there to help me

  16. I am so much happier when I obey. It really is about trust because I know He will bless me for my obedience and I will be much happier if I obey.
