Thursday, January 26, 2017

January 27th Reading Assignment

January 27th Reading Assignment
Daily Reading Question

How were the Lord’s guidance and Nephi’s own efforts both essential in completing the ship and making the journey to the promised land?
Please share what you learned from these verses. 

Good Talk 


  1. It is kind of like a metaphor for life. To make it to the promised land, we must constantly pray and repent to complete our ship. We have to act and chose to be obedient. The Lord is constantly guiding us and protecting us if we will do our part. I know I have received much protection in the dating and career department as I have striven to make Him the center of my life. I used to think Nephi would have been completely unable to build a ship if it were not for Lord's guidance, but he was smart and capable and I think it more accurate that he would have been able to build a boat with marginal help if, but only with Heavenly Father's constant guidance was he able to build one that made it to the promised land How often do we just get by? How could our lives be enriched if we would turn them over to the Lord even just a little more than we already are.

  2. I agree with the above comment about just getting by. It stated that Nephi prayed often and went up to the mount... In our own lives we might be able to get by but without prayer, temple, scriptures, and obedience etc.. but our lives will be less than what God has in store for us. Asking God for help in recognizing our divine gifts and then using them accordingly will help us to reach our full potential and bless others along the way. It truly is a partnership and I am so grateful for that!

  3. I keep thinking about verse 50, "If he should command me that I should say unto this water, be thou earth, it should be earth;" Nephi understood that if God wanted to dry up the sea so they could just walk to the promised land he could do it. But God had asked him to build a boat so that's what he was going to do. I need to remember that when I'm thinking that God could just take away my trials or make my life easier He has a reason and I just need to be obedient. He will "instruct" me as I go to the "mount oft and ... pray oft unto the Lord" so He can show me great things.

    Also, in verse 4 where it says, "my brethren beheld that it was good...wherefore they did humble themselves again before the Lord." I don't want to be like Laman and Lemuel and wait until the end of a trial to be grateful to God. I want to be humble and grateful from the beginning and in the middle, too.

    1. I liked how you emphasized being humble and grateful in the beginning and middle, not just the end--Laman and Lemuel seemed to be able to have the hindsight of humility in this instance, but not the foresight of faith!

  4. 1 Nephi 19:23 We are instructed to liken all scriptures unto ourselves.  I think it is interesting to see where we see ourselves in this story. Laman and Lemuel are known for  murmuring and complaining. As we see in these verses they did help build the ship. I wonder how I am when I am given commandments? Am I obedient like Nephi and just go and do what I am commanded or am I more like Laman and Lemeul? I complain and then I go do my visiting teaching. I murmur and then I go to the Temple. I hope I can be more like Nephi. 

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. I find such solace and comfort when I read verse 51. The miracles we seek are far smaller when compared to the mighty miracles Nephi is probably referencing; however, we are reminded that if He can perform such mighty miracles for others then surely he can "instruct" us in parenting a difficult child, or in strengthening our marriages, or in a difficult assignment we've been asked to do.

    1. Thanks Jaisey. This is exactly the lesson I keep reflecting on. The Lord didn't show Nephi all necessary knowledge right up front about how to build this ship. He gave Nephi a little bit at a time, but only as Nephi would go to the mount oft and approach the Lord in purposeful prayer.

      How often do we miss out on such detailed and divine guidance for strengthening our marriage, or helping a child who is struggling with social or scholastic challenges at school, or approaching that difficult personality conflict at work, or getting laid off, etc? The pattern for solving these challenges is demonstrated by Nephi here. We act on the knowledge we have already been given, then approach the Lord in prayer for help lighting the path for us a few more steps. I have to believe the Lord wants to give us this guidance and also "show unto us great things."

  7. Motherhood instantly comes to mind. It isn't natural and easy for all of us. I know he wants us to be parents and gives us the tools to do so but it is up to us to do the work, lovingly and with patience. I love when Nephi says he did go oft to pray to the Lord and the Lord showed him great things. What another great example and reminder to come unto the Lord for reassurance and guidance. 
