Wednesday, January 4, 2017

January 5th Reading Assignment

1 Nephi 4:1-19

Daily Reading Question:

What principle do you learn from Nephi’s response to his brothers?
Note: Please feel free to share anything that stuck out to you. 

If Ye Be Willing and Obedient


  1. Nephi had a very "go get 'em" attitude and was definitely a rally man to get others to follow him. He was a leader with these skills. Even though others didn't necessarily take on his "can do" attitude, they still went along with him. When they got discouraged, he boosted them up. There is an example right there of how we can be like Nephi when others around us get discouraged. This stuck out to me because at work I am in a position of leadership and could do a better job of being the "rally man" like Nephi in hard times.

    Thank you for taking the time to post these daily verses, thoughts, and talks. I am really grateful!! :)

  2. The Lord asks us to do hard things. He asks us to do hard things because He wants us to grow and needs His purposes accomplished. Nephi clearly wasn't thrilled to kill Laban and although He knew it was what he was supposed to do it was hard. We can't be selectively obedient to what is convenient for easy for us to do. Being submissive to God's will means that we will do whatever the spirit prompts us to do no matter how much it makes us uncomfortable or how hard it is. That is where I have learned more faith, trust in God. Obedience and faith has always brought blessings and more understanding on my end.

  3. I love the faith and confidence Nephi showed in speaking to his brothers in 1 Nephi 4:1"let us be faithful in keeping the commandments of the Lord for behold he is mightier than all the earth, then why not mightier than Laban and his fifty, yea, or even than his tens of thousands?" Not only did Nephi talk the talk he walked the walk. I think sometimes it is easy to talk it up but are we willing to actually go and do what we say we will do. He showed such courage and faith by going and getting the plates. I hope I will follow his example of being faithful and have the courage to choose the right even when it's not easy!

    1. I love that too. I think that in this life, we gain confidence when we accomplish difficult tasks. Likewise, we gain confidence and faith in our Heavenly Father when we accomplish difficult assignments or challenges from Him. Like when you receive a hard calling and you think, "How can I ever do this?!" Then you do it, often times with Divine Intervention, and you gain confidence.

      Nephi's life is the perfect example of this. He seemed to have perfect confidence in himself and in the Lord. I am certain that he gained this through relying on the Lord while accomplish tough task after tough task.

  4. V6 jumped out at me today. "And I was led by the Spirit, not knowing beforehand the things which I should do." The thought came to mind: What if I was led by the Spirit in all aspects of my life? What if every decision I made (excluding little decisions like what am I going to wear today) was made under the direction of the Spirit?!

    To be like Nephi and to be led by His Spirit is our Heavenly Father's objective. He gave me the Gift of the Holy Ghost and it can be my constant companion. It can lead me every minute of every day!! What a great example Nephi is to me of being worthy to be led by the Spirit, and having the faith to act accordingly.

  5. What stuck out to me was how much trust Nephi had in the Lord. He knew this was going to be a difficult task but he also had complete faith and trust that the Lotd would provide a way for him to succeed. Nephi was always so willing to obey,never doubting. I hope that I can be so willing and trusting when I am faced with a difficult task. I loved how in the talk Pesident Hinckley said that if we are obedient and follow the counsels of the priesthood that the Lord will open a way where there appears to be no way. If we are faithful and willing the Spirit will guide us and the Lord will help us with whatever we are faced with. I draw strength from that knowledge.

  6. I'm not sure it's ever stood out to me so profoundly, but Nephi is being asked to go and get the plates and in his explanation of why he is confident the Lord will help them, he cites examples from the very writings he is supposed to obtain. He reminds L&L of a time God helped His people accomplish a righteous purpose when he tells of the Lord delivering the Moses and the Israelites. Why should Laban's armies be feared any more than Pharoah's? I want that kind of faith and trust - that if I know God has delivered and strengthened His servants in other times and places, why not me in whatever thing I am being asked to do?
