Monday, January 16, 2017

January 17th Reading Assignment

January 17th Reading Assignment

Daily Reading Question

What can we learn about the Bible and The Book of Mormon in these verses? What stood out to you today in your reading? 


  1. I love what David Ridges says in his book, "Ignorance of gospel truths and convenants is a terrible disadvantage. This is one of the reasons that the Book of Mormon and modern scriptures are so precious. They restore these "plain and precious things" to us." How blessed we are to have modern scriptures to give us guidance and direction.

  2. Verse 29 stood out to me. I notice people around me who stumble and it seems their decisions are in a fog. Even when I am not daily using the tools we have been given for our protection I find myself letting in bad feelings and thoughts and "it's not really a big deal thinking" but when I am daily seeking and keeping a prayer in my heart and serving.  The peace and happiness are evident. I feel protected I don't feel overwhelmed with life.  Nephi was shown the bofm and the restoration . This is a testimony to me that without the truths that are restored in this book are not just minor details. They are the big things ,the big guidelines for our return home.

  3. I loved his passage today! How blessed we are to have been given the Book of Mormon. I think about really how different we should be from the rest if the world because we do have so many if the "plain and precious" truths restored to us. How are we using them? Do we cherish them, study them, and actually apply them in our lives?

  4. Sometimes I have viewed scripture study as a part of an eternal checklist to qualify for the Spirit or blessings from the Lord. I have searched them to find answers to life’s answers. In these times, I have neglected the true purpose of this great book—to act and exercise my faith by seeking to learn of Him, come unto Him, and to literally find Him in the scriptures. That is where the power in this great book lies. Reading scriptures is not a tally mark that earns us favor with God. It is a divine means in which we can come to truly know Him, and His love, and His power, and His grace—and to see Him as He really is. And when we finally see Him as He really is—we will have a burning desire to come unto Him and partake of the gifts of the Atonement that He has so freely offered us—if we but come unto Him. I have always had a testimony of the Atonement, but have questioned my ability, my worthiness, my understanding of how to access this great gift for myself. I have learned that He offers this gift freely but we must come unto Him to receive it.
    The Savior will not hunt us down—that is Satan’s way (think pushy mall kiosk people that offer things that are “free” but that always come with strings attached). His confidence comes from the fact that He is the Way—and there is no other Way. He is the Answer to all of life’s questions. So He waits patiently for us to come and see. He will not “hail Mary” the blessings of the Atonement to us. He is patiently and lovingly inviting us to Come unto Him, Learn of Him, Follow Him. As we exercise our faith we move closer to where He is—and He is able to impart to us the peace, comfort, cleansing, and truth that we so desire—because of who He is—not because of who we are or what we have done to “qualify” for those blessings. We will never be qualified for that gift; but that is okay—He is qualified and His gifts are given freely, no strings attached.
    This primary song comes to mind “I’ll seek the Lord early while in my youth, and He will help me to know the truth. I search the scriptures and find Him there…”
    Let’s always remember why we search the scripture—to find Him-and when we do, we will develop a faith and confidence in Him and in His power to save and deliver ANY and ALL who believe on His name.

    1. I really love this comment. Thanks for sharing your testimony!!

    2. Love this! I needed to read that tonight. Thank you.

  5. Vs.37 really stood out to me -blessed are they who shall seek to bring forth my Zion at that day! In the previous verse it tells us that the scriptures contain God's gospel, and his rock and his salvation. We will be blessed with power and be lifted up and saved as we share this tidings of great joy!

    1. I didn't notice that in my reading. Thanks for pointing that out.

    2. 37 really stood out to me also.

  6. I love the words plain and precious. Sometimes I don't think of the scriptures being very plain--Isaiah for example--but when we do hold them as precious and truly seek to understand them, simple and plain truths will be witnessed to us.

    1. I love your thoughts on this!! Great way to look at the words plain and precious.

  7. I love what Elder Russell M. Nelson says in his talk, the scriptures of the Restoration do not compete with the Bible; they complement the Bible. Love for the Book of Mormon expands one’s love for the Bible and vice versa. I'm so thankful for the Bible and that it is a witness of Jesus Christ and so thankful for a second witness of Jesus Christ, The Book of Mormon and that the "plain and precious things" that were taken away have been restored. I also love the quote by Neal A. Maxwell, "Each of us is an innkeeper who decides if there is room for Jesus." The scriptures allow me to let Christ in and make room for Him. So grateful to have them in my life and can feel of His spirit everyday!

  8. I'm catching up from a few days of slacking. But what really impressed me today is how it talks about our covenants as a protection and how they will arm us with power! Covenants aren't just something we do once, as we are faithful to them daily the are what give us power and protection. That is so amazing to me.
