Saturday, January 7, 2017

January 8th Reading Assignment

Daily Reading Question
Why are marriage and family important enough for Nephi and his brothers to travel back to Jerusalem to meet with Ishmael and his family?

Daily Talk



  1. When I read this, I find it interesting that the Lord waited until Lehi’s family had already left Jerusalem before commanding Lehi's family to convince Ishmael’s family to come along. Even waiting until after the brass plates were obtained, and the sons had left Jerusalem a 2nd time. The Lord also could have sent an angel to tell Ishmael's family to seek out Lehi and go with them as they were exiting Jerusalem initially, but He didn't. He left the trial to Lehi's family, and the step of faith to Ishmael's family. Once they were in the wilderness, it took many years before they actually built a ship and left for the promised land.

    The Lord is willing to let us go down the long roads of learning the hard way if that's what it takes to help us grow and learn. For example, I haven't always received clear guidance on what my long term professional goals should be. He leaves much of this growth to us to struggle through. I'm better because of it, so were Lehi and Ishmael's family for the struggles they went through to get there.

    I also find it humorous that this is the one place we have NO record of Laman and Lemuel complaining about returning to Jerusalem.
    Great Blog Melissa.

  2. One thing that stood out to me today in the reading was the word forgotten too. As many posted about their experiences yesterday of when they knew for a "surety" of the Lords love for them and then in no time at all we forget. It is a reminder to me as to why the simple acts of obedience--prayer, scripture study, church attendance ect is so important. We need to do those things to maintain our ability to be in tune with the spirit so we don't forget the meaningful and quiet communications we recurve from God.

  3. My land of promise is to endure my trials as I strive to come unto Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. I love this quote but I don't know who said it that there is no growth in a comfort zone and no comfort in a growth zone.
    In my trials I sometimes wonder why I'm going through them. If I catch myself saying this, I realize that I'm forgetting God's purpose which is to "bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of man." (Moses 1:39)
    Trials help us to draw closer to Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. As we draw closer to them, we learn more about them and want to become like them! We experience this might change of heart and our faith grows stronger and we learn and grow through the thick times.
    Remembering why I have trials helps me to not get disappointed and to do as Elder Holland said, "doubt my doubts before I doubt my faith."
