Sunday, January 15, 2017

January 16th Reading Assignment

January 16th Reading Assignment

Daily Reading Question

How did the Lord prepare a way for the gospel to be restored?


  1. I like this quote, "This great American nation the Almighty raised up by the power of his omnipotent hand, that it might be possible in the latter days for the kingdom of God to be established in the earth. If the Lord had not prepared the way by laying the foundations of this glorious nation, it would have been impossible (under the stringent laws and bigotry of the monarchical governments of the world) to have laid the foundations for the coming of his great kingdom. The Lord has done this” (Gospel Doctrine, 5th ed. [1939], 409).

    The Lord prepared the way for the Restoration by establishing a country with freedom of religion where He could restore His Church. We can see now how the gospel us being spread to many nations through the missionaries and technology.

  2. These verses were a little hard for me to understand but I liked what the manual said.

    1 Nephi 13:12
    Columbus sails to the Americas

    1 Nephi 13:13
    Pilgrims sail to the Americas, seeking religious freedom

    1 Nephi 13:14
    Native Americans are driven from their lands

    1 Nephi 13:15
    Gentiles prosper in the Americas

    1 Nephi 13:16–19
    Although outnumbered, American revolutionary armies are victorious

  3. So this gives me comfort that all that has happened, all that is currently happening, and all that will happen is all part of God's plan. He knows exactly what is happening with all the craziness and commotion happening in the world. We know that this will all work out and in the end, and the Lord's team will win.

    It's just like one night when I recorded a Jazz game. When I record games, I avoid people who might tell me the score of the game like they have the plague. But this particular night, someone told me the score. The Jazz had won a nail-biter!!!!

    So I went home late that night and watched the game even though I knew the outcome. In the first half, the Jazz were getting killed! They were down by 20 and looked like they were headed for a sure defeat. It was hard to believe, but I knew that somehow they were going to come back and win. I knew the end result. And sure enough, they did the seemingly impossible and came back to win the game.

    Sometimes as you look at the state of the world, it feels like we're down 20. But we know which team is going to win in the end. We know the end result. We just have to choose which team we want to be on.

    1. Great comment! It made me think of this quote by Jeffery R. Holland, "The FUTURE of this world has long been DECLARED; the final outcome between GOOD and evil is already KNOWN. There is absolutely no question as to who WINS because the VICTORY has already been posted on the SCOREBOARD. The only really strange thing is all of this is that we are still down here on the FIELD trying to decide which TEAM’S JERSEY we want to wear!"

  4. I like the context for the word "wrought." Nephi was trying to describe that intense feeling of determination, motivation, and enlightenment the man (Columbus) experienced to set such a bold plan into motion.

    We often receive this as a gift, to exert every capacity we have to accomplish something, that will help move the work of God forward. Joseph Smith to pray for the first time in his life. A newly ordained missionary to go far away and find those who are ready to hear the gospel. A prophet who has a clear message to deliver at Gen Conference. Or even a group of YW leaders who work hard to make Girls Camp the experience of a lifetime.

    I don't think Columbus had a perfect plan when the ship left port, but he did his best. Filling in the unknowns with his best guess, then setting sail. Maybe he didn't find a new route to Asia exactly like he was hoping, but it was something better.
