Saturday, January 21, 2017

January 22nd Reading Assignment
Daily Reading Question

In 1 Nephi 16:2, what do you think it means that “the guilty taketh the truth to be hard”?  Please
share anything else that stuck out to you in these verses.

Good Talk


  1. My first thought on this topic was that sometimes my kids get so angry at me when I remind them of things they should be doing that they already know. They can think I'm mean when I enforce consequences they know are in place. But then humility hit and I thought of times that I receive unwanted messages from God that can seem hard for the message to go to bed earlier so I can wake up and have meaningful scripture study before my family is awake. I want to have that time the study the scriptures and the strength that comes from being well-rested, but I also want my quiet alone time at night! I let that prompting be hard for me to obey because I want to hold onto something that matters less, darn it! Even though I wake up early to study regardless of when I go to sleep, I know that my time in prayer and study are so much more effective when I am well-rested, and that there is more joy in it. And that is to say nothing of being a better disciple and mother throughout the day.

    I was also struck by Nephi's willingness to be disliked by his brothers. Is that hard for anyone else? I appreciated the warning from Elder Faust that, "He [Christ] also spoke of being careful 'when all men shall speak well of you' because all men spoke well of the false prophets" (Luke 6:26). We all like to be spoken well of, don't we? But speaking the truth is more important than having others speak well of us. We can be kind and tactful, but we must never compromise the truth in the name of being well-liked or spoken well of.

    1. Great comment Melanie! I love how you pointed out holding onto something that matters less, that is so true. I did not pick up on Nephi's willingness to be disliked by his brothers, great insight. Thanks!

    2. I really liked your insight on Nephi's willingness to be disliked--and to "be careful when all men shall speak well of you" Something I had never before considered! Thanks!

    3. Excellent perspective! Thank you for sharing Melanie!

  2. I liked the counsel that Nephi gave his brothers in these verses. I underlined the words if and then. I thought this was good advice.

    3 And now my brethren, if ye were righteous and were willing to hearken to the truth, and give heed unto it, that ye might walk uprightly before God, then ye would not murmur because of the truth, and say: Thou speakest hard things against us.

    4 And it came to pass that I, Nephi, did exhort my brethren, with all diligence, to keep the commandments of the Lord.

  3. Verse 5 really stuck out to me this morning. "And it came to pass that they did humble themselves before the Lord; insomuch that I had joy and great hopes of them, that they would walk in the paths of righteousness." After Nephi had chastened his brothers again.... He still had HOPE that they would change and become righteous. How many family members do we have that struggle to live the gospel? If Nephi can have hope for L&L, I can certainly have hope for my wayward loved ones. I think in an effort to protect myself from constant disappointment and frustration, I pull back emotionally and stop trying so hard to share HF's light with them. Shame on me! A recent example comes to mind. My brother is inactive and married to a wonderful woman who isn't a member. Recently they went through a difficult time with a pregnancy that ended in miscarriage and he called to ask for prayers. Because he's been away from the church for so long, he wasn't comfortable asking us to "pray" for them. Instead he asked for positive thoughts, well wishes, etc. I immediately said, "of course we'll be praying for you." He was so relieved that I would offer that service for them without him having to come out and directly ask for it. I wish I had taken a better opportunity to share HF's love to him that day. I know I can be a better missionary to him without shoving the gospel down his throat. It's all about sharing God's love and light. So thankful for a much needed reminder this morning.

  4. After Nephi says, "the guilty taketh the truth to be hard, for it cutteth then to the very center." He says for if you were righteous then would you not murmur because of truth.
    When people fall into wickedness, especially wickedness that is addictive, the gospel principles can be so overwhelming because it requires them to humble themselves, admit they have been wrong, and to work. Often times you will find those trying to disprove the gospel. Because if the church isn't true then they are justified in the way they are living.

    1. Love this insight Danica. Admitting I'm wrong is ultimately the hardest part, there is always that natural prideful drive to be right, and justifying it makes it easier.

  5. Today's reading reminded me about the importance of being meek. L&L were humbled after Nephi talked to them. Many times I "take the truth to be hard" and it "cuts" into my heart. But instead of being humbled and meek and changing, I become the opposite--defensive and get stuck in my ways. Just recently, a loved one pointed out something that was true that I needed to change. Instead of responding in a way that was humble, I reacted defensively. It is hard to change and recieve the truth when you are being chastised. It is something I am constantly working on. Great verses.

    1. I think we all can relate. Loved how you worded it.

  6. V16. The great secret to always moving in the direction of more fertile parts of the wilderness, was to follow the guidance of the pointers. They didn't have to, but they learned to trust that guidance. Even when other routes seem easier or even appeared to make more sense.

  7. Sometimes when we hear the plain and simple truths, our hearts are hardened if we do not have the spirit in our lives and we are not doing what the Lord asks of us. Also in vs 2 the phrase "for it cutteth them to the very center" stood out to me. The truth can either cut or touch. Hard hearts must be cut, soft hearts need only be touched. It all depends on the condition of our heart. If we humble ourselves and use the atonement, the spirit can touch us and teach us and we then can have a change of heart.

  8. No one likes it to be pointed out when they are doing something wrong. I think our first response is to be defensive or offended. This is when pride steps in. If we can't be humble and teachable, we run the risk of hardening our hearts and pushing the spirit away. We need to keep our hearts open and we need to be receptive to the call to change our behavior or actions. It's definitely not easy, but with practice it can become easier.
