Monday, January 23, 2017

January 24th Reading Assignment

January 24th Reading Assignment
Daily Reading Question

What impressed you about Nephi's response to the commandment given to him by the Lord?

Good Talk


  1. Excellent insights from Elder Perry into self reliance. The Lord expects us to take initiative and do the things we already know how to do. Somewhere in Nephi's past industry he learned how to melt down ore and make tools. He learned how to make a bellows, and strike fire from scratch using rocks, and mend together skins to make an airtight pocket for his bellows. I'm inspired by Nephi's "can do" attitude. Even in the face of huge challenges.
    The Lord knows our library of talent, just like we know the limitations of what our children can do. The definition of self reliance is how deftly we use the resources in that library and seek to add to it.
    I love this story of Nephi building a ship, talk about adding to your talents. The Lord helps those who help themselves.

  2. As I think about this more, I find humor imagining what Nephi's thoughts were as he realized what the Lord was asking. I can only guess what my response would have been.
    "A ship? You mean. . . .like. . .a real ship? . . . Big enough for a person to ride on? Across this. . . Um. . . Ocean? Wow. . . Is there a Home Depot nearby where I can buy a hammer, wood, nails, and a saw? And matches. And maybe some Gatorade?"

  3. Nephi says “we did travel and wade through much affliction in the wilderness,” but then follows it up with the acknowledgement that “so great were the blessings of the Lord upon us”. That’s mortality isn’t it? Opposition--affliction and blessings. Sorrow and inexplicable joy! I really like this quote from Elder Larry W. Gibbons “It is hard to build faith in the noonday sun. When the night is dark and the clouds are thick, we have an opportunity to put our hand in the Lord’s hand and rely on Him to help us through. Doing so strengthens our faith.” It is when the sun seems to be covered or hiding that we learn to look to the Son-- then we realize more fully the truth of the words of the Lord to Nephi and his family are the same words for us, in this day, as we travel in our own wilderness: (verse 13.) “And I will also be your light in the wilderness; and I will prepare the way before you...and ye shall know that it is by me that ye are led.”

    1. It reminds me of the Old Testament story of Gideon. He reduces the army drastically in size so that they won't boast of themselves with the victory (judges chap 7). Sometimes if success hits us right when we want it without some trials we are eager to take all the credit for it, and not acknowledge who really produced the results.

    2. Such a great quote. Thanks for sharing that!

  4. Nephi didn't question the Lord AT ALL! He simply accepted that it can and must be done and how to do so. He saw the Lord as a teacher and his faith in him was so great that nothing could make him question anything. He believes that anything is possible through the Lord. Incredible faith.

  5. Man, I love these verses. They speak to me so much. We are currently going through a second time of my husband being laid off. I testify that as we wade through afflictions we are not forgotten. I testify that blessings come and that it is the work and the exhaustion of getting through those trials that help us truly know our Father in Heaven. We have to call on Him to walk beside us and wade through the hard things with us because it puts us in a position and humbles us to ask for help. The first time my husband lost his job I went through a really rough time. On my birthday my mother-in-law emailede these verses--particularly vs 3 and 13 to study and read. They are verses that I have continually drawn strength from.

  6. In this section we are again reminded that as we keep the commandments The Lord will prepare, direct, and lead us to our own personal promised land. In verse 15 Nephi says he "strives" to keep the commandments of The Lord. Striving, to me, means we are thoughtful and dedicated in our trying.

  7. To begin with, I was impressed that Nephi didn't even think twice when asked to build a ship, he just did as he was commanded and not only that instead of asking for the tools, he asked the lord where he could find the place to find the ore to make the tools. I love this! Using his skills the lord blessed him with rather than having everything done for him. I love in Elder Perry's talk, Becoming Self-Reliant, where he says, The Lord does help when we go to Him in times of need, especially when we are committed to His work and respond to His will. But the Lord only helps those who are willing to help themselves. He expects His children to be self-reliant to the degree they can be. Independence and self-reliance are critical to our spiritual and temporal growth. Loved this counsel by Brigham Young, “Instead of searching after what the Lord is going to do for us, let us inquire what we can do for ourselves.”

  8. I was impressed that there was no hesitation, no waiting, NEPHI just got up and did what the Lord asked. He asked for direction and then he got down to business. He also didn't ask the Lord to hold his hand in the process, he didn't ask for every little thing to be given to him, instead he figured it out. This is something that I am really trying to teach my children. To be successful you need to be obedient to the Lord and you always need to do your part.
