Saturday, January 28, 2017

January 29th Reading Assignment

January 29th Reading Assignment
Daily Reading Question

At this time in your life, what do you consider to be your personal "promised land"? Please share anything that you learned from these verses.

Good Talk

Bonus Talk


  1. My favorite verse has always been vs 24 - "...yea, we did put ALL our seeds into the earth, which we had brought from the land of Jerusalem."
    They did not hold back and wait to see if this was really going to work out. They trusted the Lord and put everything they had into it.

    1. Thanks for sharing that, I didn't notice that when I read but that is a great point.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. I love this...i had never thought of this before either. So much trust and faith. It reminds me of always being anxiously engaged in a good cause...we can't wait around for everything to be perfect before we begin...we have to do our part consistently and then watch things unfold.

  2. I liked what L. Tom Perry said in the talk today, "Nephi’s example teaches us that the blessings of the scriptures are far more valuable than property and other worldly things. Pursuing the things of the world can sometimes give us momentary pleasures but not lasting joy and happiness. When we seek after the things of the Spirit, the rewards are eternal and will bring us the satisfaction we seek through this mortal experience." I am so thankful that Nephi was obedient to the commandment of the Lord to engraven a record of his people. I am so grateful for the Book of Mormon to help guide me in my life. Verse 1 made me realize the importance of keeping journals in our own lives. Not only for ourselves but for our posterity.

    1. Thanks for this Melissa. He probably never knew the true end destination of these plates, so I imagine him feeling free to capture whatever he felt most sacred. Of all the other records he made, this one ended up being the Marvelous Work and Wonder to speak from the dust in the last days.

  3. The promised land was a place prepared for Nephi and his family. They still had to work and better themselves. I feel that I am in a promised land NOW. I have to work and better myself daily, but I have been prepared for the obstacles and challenges I experience. In an interesting way, we are all in a wilderness state - a state of becoming prepared for future potential - and in the promised land at the same time. The "promised land" of today was the "wilderness" of yesterday, and the "wilderness" of today prepares us for the "promised land" of tomorrow.

  4. I really like Nephi's recounting of what happened after his brothers finally untied him. I imagine Nephi being in significant pain, but his only focus was taking the Liahona into his hands, and praying to God to calm the storm. Once he had it in his hands, he says "it did work whiter I desired it." Then after a sincere prayer, the storm calmed, and the ship was once again pointed in the right direction, and guided towards the promised land.

    I liken this to the storms in life, small or big. Nephi's lesson is instructive, in taking the compass tenderly into his hands and sincerely desiring it to work, then approaching God in prayer to calm the storm. All things in order.

    1. Sometimes while reading the scriptures, certain phrases just jump off the page. For me today, this phrase did: "And there was nothing save it were the power of God...which could soften their hearts".

      I just love that Nephi realizes his dependence on God's power. We could and should say the same thing about everything in our lives. (And there was nothing save it were the power of God, which has allowed me to be a patriarch of a wonderful family, which enables me to overcome challenges, to grow and improve, etc. etc.)

    2. I had the same thought today. Thanks for articulating it well. We all have set backs and storms in our's all part of this mortal experience, but I've experienced the great calm that comes through prayer. Prayer is what helps me regain strength and "sail again towards the promised land." The promised land, for me personally, is anywhere I can find peace.

  5. This has nothing to do with the question but the thing that stood out to me most was in chapter 19 where Nephi talks about recording the history of his people and how important it is for us to keep a journal. Not only the good but the trials as well. I haven't always been very good at writing in my journal, but the times that I have, I am able to recognize the blessings and the growth that have come from my experiences. President Spencer W. Kimball said that “those who keep a book of remembrance are more likely to keep the Lord in remembrance in their daily lives." I have really enjoyed this Book of Mormon challenge because along with it I have been keeping a scripture journal and recording my thoughts. This is a commandment that I have struggled with but know that these things that I am recording are not only important for my spiritual growth but also for my children.

  6. Love the quote from President Kimball. Thank you.
